Verena Kreilinger

Verena KREILINGER, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg / FB Soziologie und Sozialgeographie / Abteilung Sozialgeographie
Rudolfskai 42, A-5020 Salzburg / Austria


Verena Kreilinger is a Research Assistant at the Devision of Sociology and Human Geography. Her research focuses on the conditions and contradictions of the energy transition. Verena studied Energy and Sustainability Management as well as Communication Studies and holds a Masters Degree in Digital Media Studies. Verena worked as a research associate in the FWF project “Social Networking Sites in the Surveillance Society” and was part of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Action “Living in Surveillance Societies”- WG3 “The Business of Surveillance”.

In her research, Verena is interested in the relationship between EROI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) and productivity, energy flows and the necessary reorganization of production processes, the material and CO2 intensity of the energy transition and the driving forces of energy prices and the investment conditions of capital in the energy sector. She is investigating the energy intensity and penalties of Negative Emissions Technologies and CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), the limitations and possibilities of hydrogen economies as well as the potential of energy efficiency measures in the context of the necessary reduction of energy consumption.