Working papers
Kircher, Andrea; Schmiedbauer, Elisabeth; Van-Hametner, Andreas und Zeller, Christian: Regionale Immobilienmärkte unter Druck. Analyse von Immobilienannoncen für Salzburg 2006-2016; Geographies of Uneven Development – Working Paper (8), Fachbereich für Geographie und Geologie: Salzburg, 27 S.2018
Zeller, Christian: The billion mice – rivalry and collaboration in a rising technological arena, Espace 2008-7 [7] (pdf, 162 KB)
Zeller, Christian: The expectations on mice – rivalry and collaboration in an emerging technological arena, Espace 2008-6 [6] (pdf, 206 KB)
Zeller, Christian: The spatial innovation biography of a commercially successful monoclonal antibody, Espace 2008-5 [5] (pdf, 490 KB)
Zeller, Christian: Uneven financial flows in the global economy, Espace 2008-4 [4] (pdf, 293 KB)
Zeller, Christian: The power of finance and uneven development, Espace 2008-3 [3] (pdf, 234 KB)
Zeller, Christian: Beyond Globalization: Scales and Speed of Production in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Espace 2007-2 [2] (pdf, 410 KB)