
New Publications 

Heinisch, R. and A. Werner (2022). “How Rational Are Voters when Expecting Government Parties to Fulfil Pledges? A Cross-National Survey Experiment“ European Journal of Political Research (first online 23/11/2022)  

Heinisch, R. and V. Jansesberger (2022)  “Lacking Control – Analyzing the Demand Side of Populist Party Support“ European Politics and Society (Published online: 30 Nov 2022) 

Heinisch, R. and S. Saxonberg (2022). „Filling the Demand Gap: Explaining the Success of Centrist Entrepreneurial Populism in the Czech Republic” Europe-Asia Studies (Published online: 28 Nov 2022) 


Discussions with authors on migration and citizenship 

 Wenn Staatsvolk und Staatsgebiet auseinanderdriften

Gerd Valchars, Rainer Bauböck
Wed, 12.10.2022, 4-6 p.m., Literaturhaus Salzburg

Book presentation & panel discussion
Organizers: University of Salzburg, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Admission: free

Opening: Kyoko Shinozaki, University of Salzburg, Sociology
Moderation: Sylvia Hahn, History

Discussing with the authors of  „Migration und Staatsbürgerschaft (Volume 1 of the series “Migration and …”, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 2021, Open Access):
Michaela Fischer, Salzburg Chamber of Labor, Department of Social Policy.
Zoe Lefkofridi, University of Salzburg, Politics & Gender, Diversity & Equality.
Monika Pink-Rank, DiversityAgent


STUDY “Acquisition of Austrian citizenship”

You can read and download this study online