
Lecture with Prof. Dr. Brenda Saw Ai YEOH FBA (National University of Singapore)

“Theorising from Asia… and back to Europe: Decolonising migration studies” 

Thursday, December 15, 2022, 10:20 – 11:20AM. 
Launch of the Forum Asia Pacific at the University of Salzburg, at the University’s Bibliotheksaula, Hofstallgasse 2-4, Salzburg. 

Please drop a note to Imbric Dragana (

Summer Camp 

Training in Participatory Action Research – Extended Deadline Jan 15, 2023 

There are still a few slots available for the 3rd international Action Research Summer Camp (June 11 to 18, 2023), for which we already expect participants from Austria/Serbia, Canada/Iran, Uganda, and the US. Please consider applying for this unique training course  invites people who have different levels of experience in participatory processes and community work or who hope to conduct and apply community-based research (CBR) and organization in their work. The micro-credential (6 ECTS) is led by Fulbright Specialist Dr.  Corey Dolgon (USA) and Dr.  Eberhard Raithelhuber (Austria) and is part of the Continuing Education program at  Bertha von Suttner Private University.    

The residential week takes place in an off-campus venue belonging to our social partner, the  Waldhüttl grassroots project in Innsbruck, Austria. Waldhüttl is a sprawling, rustic facility that welcomes people from the economic and social margins: transnationally mobile Hungarian- and Rumanian-speaking Roma who slept for years on the streets before becoming part of this project. Read more:   

Seminar Series on Forced Migration 

Prof. Ishita Dey (South Asian University) “Researching “journeys”: Challenges and possibilities in Migration Studies”. 
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 starting at 3pm CET (Vienna time)/7:30pm IST (Delhi time)  

Registration, abstract and info at: 

Discussions with authors about migration and citizenship

 Wenn Staatsvolk und Staatsgebiet auseinanderdriften

Gerd Valchars, Rainer Bauböck
Wed, 12.10.2022, 4-6 p.m., Literaturhaus Salzburg

Book presentation & panel discussionOrganizers: University of Salzburg, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Admission: free

Opening: Kyoko Shinozaki, University of Salzburg, Sociology
Moderation: Sylvia Hahn, History

Discussing with the authors of  „Migration und Staatsbürgerschaft“ (Volume 1 of the series “Migration and …”, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 2021, Open Access):
Michaela Fischer, Salzburg Chamber of Labor, Department of Social Policy.
Zoe Lefkofridi, University of Salzburg, Politics & Gender, Diversity & Equality.
Monika Pink-Rank, DiversityAgent



Past Events

Do, 16.5.2019, 15:30-17:00, HS 383Gastvortrag von Prof. Maggie W.H. Leung (Utrecht)
 “A Wider Road to Inclusive Development?
Differentiated Impacts of Infrastructural Upgrade
in Rural Ethiopia”
Fr, 17.5.2019,   10:00-12:00, HS 384Gastvortrag von Prof. Maggie W.H. Leung (Utrecht)
“The Politics of Mobilities – Migration Flows“
M, 22.5.2019,   18:00-19:15, HS 381Antrittsvorlesung von Univ.-Prof. Kyoko Shinozaki, PhD
und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicole Haitzinger
Di, 28.5.2019,  18:00-19:15, HS 383Buchvorstellung und Diskussion über Bosnia and
Herzegovina’s Foreign Policy Since Independence
(Palgrave, 2019) – Dženeta Karabegović
Fr, 20.3.2020/ Sa, 21.3.2020Tagung „Religionen und Identitäten in Europa“