Master’s internship and accompanying courses

You can choose from two options within the pedagogical-practical studies 4 in the Master’s programme:
(You can find the courses on  PlusOnline under the designation on the right.)

  • “Large Master’s internship”:
    BW M 6.1 PR Internship in various pedagogical fields and in diverse pedagogical-practical experience scenarios incl. educational science supervision. (part of the PPS) (20 ECTS) | BW M 6.1 PR Praktikum in verschiedenen pädagogischen Feldern und in vielfältigen pädagogisch-praktischen Erfahrungsszenarien inkl. Bildungswissenschaftliche Begleitung. 


  • “Small Master’s internship”:
    BW M 6.2.1 PR Internship in various pedagogical fields and in diverse pedagogical-practical experience scenarios incl. educational science supervision (part of the PPS) (3 ECTS) | BW M 6.2.1 PR Praktikum in verschiedenen pädagogischen Feldern und in vielfältigen pädagogisch-praktischen Erfahrungsszenarien inkl. Bildungswissenschaftliche Begleitung
    BW M 6.2.2 In-depth profession-orientated courses from the selected subjects, educational sciences or interdisciplinary areas (9 ECTS) | BW M 6.2.2 Vertiefende professionsorientierte Lehrveranstaltungen aus den gewählten Fächern, Bildungswissenschaften oder interdisziplinären Bereichen
    BW M 6.2.3 Free electives (8 ECTS) | BW M 6.2.3 freie Wahlfächer

Both internship options are offered in both the winter and summer semesters. The internships can last from October to January (winter semester) or from March to June (summer semester). According to the curriculum, the educational supervision must be completed together with the internship.

The participation in the internship requires a pre-registration. You can find further information on  PlusOnline.