In-depth internship and accompanying courses

In module BW B 5 Designing lessons adaptively, diagnosis and self-evaluation, you will complete an in-depth practical placement accompanied by educational science courses.

(You can find the courses on  PlusOnline under the designation on the right.)

  • BW B 5.1 PS Dealing with heterogeneity: individualisation, diagnosis, support, learning process support (part of the PPS) | BW B 5.1 PS Umgang mit Heterogenität: Individualisierung, Diagnose, Förderung, Lernprozessbegleitung (Teil der PPS)
  • BW B 5.2 UE Reflecting on and developing lessons (didactic-communicative skills, self-evaluation, working on cases) (part of the PPS) | BW B 5.2 UE Unterricht reflektieren und weiterentwicklen (didaktisch-kommunikative Fähigkeiten, Selbstevaluation, Arbeiten am Fall) (Teil der PPS)
  • BW B 5.3 PR Specialised internship A (part of the PPS) | BW B 5.3 PR Vertiefungspraktikum A (Teil der PPS)
  • BW B 5.4 PR specialisation internship B (part of the PPS) | BW B 5.4 PR Vertiefungspraktikum B (Teil der PPS)

Recommended semester: 8th semester
Requirements: Positive completion of the following courses:

  • Module BW B 2 Fundamentals of the teaching profession 2: Teaching profession and teaching | Modul BW B 2 Grundlagen des Lehrberufs 2: Beruf Lehrer/in und Unterricht
  • Module BW B 4 Expert teaching, individualisation and differentiation | Modul BW B 4 Fachkundig unterrichten, individualisieren und differenzieren
  • If applicable, further prerequisites in the subject. 

The participation in the internship requires a pre-registration. You can find further information on  PlusOnline.