Courses Thematic Priority Module (+12 ECTS)
The main focus of the thematic priority module is to engage students in topical and current debates of European Union Politics, law and economics. It builds on and deepens the knowledge acquired in the basic and advanced module.
VO International Macroeconomics II (Prerequisite: VO Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre und Grundkurs Makroökonomik) |
VU Volkswirtschaftslehre II: Vertiefung Makroökonomik (Prerequisite: VO Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre und Grundkurs Makroökonomik) |
VO EU Competition Law (Prerequisite: Fachprüfung Europarecht) |
UV EU External Policies (Prerequisite: Fachprüfung Europarecht) |
all SE/KO oft he core subject European of the bachelor programme political science (Prerequisite: PS Techniken des politikwissenschaftlichen Arbeitens) |
Courses from the basic and advanced module, if not yet completed, can be elected for the thematic priority module.