Pure | PLUS Research

Pure I PLUS Research documents, manages and cross-links all research-relevant data of the PLUS and thus is a scientific platform that contains the competences of the university in the various fields of knowledge, reflecting a broad scientific spectrum. Pure I PLUS Research contributes to strengthen the image of the PLUS as a research institution.

Pure I PLUS Research consists of the  publicly visible portal PLUS Research and the  Pure web application, a personal workspace for members of the university, which allows them to manage their research achievements.

The university is legally obliged to collect research performance data – the scientists are responsible for the quality of the data. Usually the scientists themselves enter the data in Pure I PLUS Research. They can determine which data should be visible in the public portal and to what extent (except for: master data from SAP or PLUSonline such as name, academic degree, organisational affiliation).

A comprehensive manual can be found in the  Pure Wiki; under  FAQs you will find frequently asked questions. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Pure Helpdesk at pure.help(at)sbg.ac.at or dial extension 2459. Information on how to reach the Pure team via Webex can be found in the  Pure Wiki.