Ameen Mohamed

Mohamed Ameen, MSc.
PhD student

Department of Psychology
Hellbrunner Strasse 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Tel.: +43 6886 4069 701

Consultation hour: by appointment
Twitter:  @mo_s_ameen
Research group :  Laboratory for Sleep, Cognition, and Consciousness research


  • 2019 – : Doctoral studies at the University of Salzburg, Austria.
  • 2014 – 2016: M.Sc. in Neuroscience, University of Strasbourg, France.
  • 2008 – 2013: B.Sc. of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt.

Academic positions:

  • 2019 – : PhD candidate in the Sleep, consciousness, and cognition laboratory, University of Salzburg.
  • 2017 – 2019 : Research assistant in the Sleep, consciousness, and cognition laboratory, University of Salzburg.
  • 2016 : Student research-assistant at the Consciousness and Cognition lab, Department of experimental psychology, Cambridge University


My PhD project probes the limits of the sleeping brain using electrophysiological (EEG and PSG) as well as brain imaging techniques (fMRI). During sleep, the brain fluctuates between bouts of internal operations as in memory consolidation, and external processing for monitoring the environment. I investigate the extent of information processing as well as the ability of the brain to generate predictions, i.e. top-down signals, of the external sensory world during sleep. Moreover, I am intersested in characterizing the influence of sleep on the network dynamics that drive mental-model updating in motor adaptation.

Key publications:

  • Ameen MS, Heib DPJ, Blume C, Schabus M, The brain listens to unfamiliar voices during sleep. The Journal of Neuroscience (Accepted).
  • Ameen MS, Cheung LM, Hauser T, Hahn MA, Schabus M (2019) About the Accuracy and Problems of Consumer Devices in the Assessment of Sleep. Sensors 19:4160.
  • Schalkwijk FJ van, Hauser T, Hoedlmoser K, Ameen MS, Wilhelm FH, Sauter C, Klösch G, Moser D, Gruber G, Anderer P, Saletu B, Parapatics S, Zeitlhofer J, Schabus M (2020) Procedural memory consolidation is associated with heart rate variability and sleep spindles. Journal of Sleep Research.