Leonard Elia van Dyck

Leonard Elia van Dyck, BSc.
Lab manager

Department of Psychology
Hellbrunner Strasse 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Tel.: +43 662 80445128

Twitter:   @lennyvomdeich
Research group:  Laboratory for Sleep and Consciousness Research


  • since 2020: Master’s degree in Psychology (MSc, Specialization Cognitive Neuroscience) at the University of Salzburg
  • 2017-2020: Bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Psychology at the University of Salzburg

Academic career:

  • since 2020: Laboratory Manager of the Method Unit EEG at the CCNS
  • 2020: Tutor and research assistant at the Laboratory for Sleep and Consciousness Research (Project: „How smart is it to go to bed with a phone?“, PI: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Kerstin Hödlmoser)


In addition to my work as a laboratory manager at the CCNS and project employee at the Laboratory for Sleep and Consciousness Research, I mainly work on questions regarding artificial neural networks and the knowledge that we can gain about biological experience and behavior using these methods (e.g., brain activity and eye movement in visual object recognition). Furthermore, I am very interested in a variety of topics from the social, cognitive and affective neurosciences.

Current projects:

  • van Dyck, L. E., Kwitt, R., Denzler, S. J., & Gruber, W. R. (2021). Comparing object recognition in humans and deep convolutional neural networks—An eye tracking study. Frontiers in Neuroscience15, 1326.   https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2021.750639