Theresa Hauser

Theresa Hauser, MSc.
PhD student

Department of Psychology
Hellbrunner Strasse 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Tel.: +43 662 8044 4240

Consultation hour : by appointment only
Research group:  Laboratory for Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness Research


Academic Experience:


  • Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and its impact on physiology“
  • Neural and cardiovascular aspects of sleep-dependent memory consolidation“
  • Psychophysiology of attachment & mother-child-interactions“

Key publications:

  • Florea, C., Topalidis, P., Hauser, T., Angerer, M., Kurapov, A., Leon, C. A. B., & Schabus, M. (2021). Sleep during COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-cultural study investigating job system relevance, Biochemical Pharmacology.
  • Blume C., Hauser T., Gruber WR, Heib DPJ, Winkler T., & Schabus M. (2019). „How does Austria sleep?” Self-reported sleep habits and complaints. Sleep and Breathing. 
  • Ameen, M.S., Cheung, L.M., Hauser, T., Hahn, M., & Schabus, M. (2019). About the Accuracy and Problems of Consumer Devices in the Assessment of Sleep. Sensors, 19, 4160. 
  • van Schalkwijk, F.J., Hauser, T., Hoedlmoser, K., Ameen, M.S., Wilhelm, F.H., Sauter, C., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Saletu, B., Parapatics, S., Zeitlhofer, J. & Schabus, M. (2019). Procedural memory consolidation is associated with heart rate variability and sleep spindles. Journal of Sleep Research, e12910. DOI: