Michaela Bühler

Michaela Bühler, MSc.
Ph.D. Student

Hellbrunner Strasse 34, 5020 Salzburg


Web:  https://www.eat.sbg.ac.at/team/michaela-b%C3%BChler

Research group:  Eating Behavior Laboratory


  • Ph.D. Student; Department of Psychology; Division of Health Psychology
  • MSc, School Psychology, University of Tübingen
  • BSc, Psychology, University of Heidelberg

Academic Positions:

  • Ph.D Student in the BMBWF-funded project “Bausteine der Resilienz – Adaptation von Bildungsräumen zur Förderung individueller, sozialer und struktureller Ressourcen” (building blocks of resilience – adaption of educational spheres to promote individual, social and structural resources)
  • Research Assistant at Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology, Tübingen
  • Research Assistant at the Psychology department (Project: Prosodiya), University Tübingen    
  • Research internship at the Institute of Medical Psychology (Institut für Medizinische Psychologie), Heidelberg


Since my bachelor’s studies, research which has a high real-life applicability is what interests me most. 
In my bachelor thesis I researched the influences of sexualized everyday wear on the perception of women and men and therefore, delved deeper into the topic of body image and (self-)objectification. 
For my master’s thesis I researched everyday-life problem solving and the effects of anxiety on satisfaction and problem solving style using EMA.
After two-years of practical work in the preventative sector of educational psychology, I started my PhD in the “building blocks of resilience” project.
My dissertation is planned to revolve around topics of resilience, preventative measures, as well as body image and disordered eating. In addition, I’m personally interested in the applicability of stoicism for improving resilience.