Reiss, S., Klackl, J., & Jonas, E. (2020, February). Exploring the Landscape of Psychological Threat – A Cartography of Threats. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) – Existential Preconference, New Orleans, LA. |
Reiss, S., Klackl, J., & Jonas, E. (2018, September). Bodily sensation maps as indicators for proximal reactions to threats. In A. Lueders (Chair), Motivated Responses to Threats: Examining Personal and Social Outcomes, Buffers, and Alternative Measures. Symposium conducted at the 51st General Meeting of the German Association of Psychology (DGPS), Frankfurt am Main, Germany. |
Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T., & Jonas, E. (2018, July). Political extremism increases attentional gating of expectancy violations. Poster presented at the 4th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN), Leiden, The Netherlands. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/4XJQC |
Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T., & Jonas, E. (2018, July). Political extremism increases attentional gating of expectancy violations. Talk given in the Young Scientists Symposium of Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA) 2018, Salzburg, Austria. |
Reiss, S., Klackl, J., & Jonas. E. (2017, July). Threat-general and threat-specific neural mechanisms of existential threats. In M. Bukowski (Chair), Group-based responses to threatened or enhanced personal control. Symposium conducted at the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Granada, Spain. |
Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T., & Jonas, E. (2016, June). Meaning maintenance in the brain: the neural basis of assimilating perceptual anomalies. Poster presented at the 3rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN), Porto, Portugal. |
Schiemann, S., Reiss, S., Mühlberger, C., & Jonas, E. (2017, September). Zu jedem Klienten gleich empathisch? Der Einfluss von Sympathie/Antipathie und Konkurrenz auf die Empathie des Coaches [Equally empathic toward all clients? The influence of sympathy/antipathy and interference on coaches´ empathy]. Poster presented at the 16th Conference of the German Social Psychology Section, Ulm, Germany. |