MA Political Science (Curriculum 2016)

The following information on the Master’s degree program in Political Science refers to the curriculum adopted in 2016. This curriculum applies to you if you enrolled between winter semester 2016/17 and summer semester 2024.

To students who enrol from winter semester 2024/25 onwards, the new 2024 curriculum will apply. Students who started their studies according to the 2016 curriculum can complete them according to this curriculum until October 1, 2027 at the latest. After this date, they will automatically be transferred to the 2024 curriculum. However, they can also switch to the new curriculum earlier by notifying the Office of Admissions.

Important information: All courses in the Master’s degree program in Political Science are taught in English.


Why Salzburg?

Good reasons why to consider Salzburg as your ideal location for an MA study are all of the following:

  • the high quality of research and teaching combined with its international orientation
  • highly flexible and individualized designs of the study program to suit your needs
  • small class sizes and interactive format
  • individual attention and excellent mentoring
  • cooperation with the Salzburg Centre for European Union Studies (SCEUS)
  • close interaction with predominantly international students of the EUS Master program
  • attractive, scenic, and safe location with great overall infrastructure


Program Format

The Master’s Program in Political Science comprises 120 ECTS credits (whereby one credit corresponds to 25 hours of academic work) and requires 4 semesters of study. A systematic overview as well as the whole curriculum of the program, containing in-depth descriptions of the contents and learning outcomes of the modules, can be downloaded below.


The program at a glance

Folder MA Political Science 2016
Systematic Overview Curriculum MA Political Science 2016
Curriculum MA Political Science 2016
Examination Record MA Political Science 2016 (pdf)
Examination Record MA Political Science 2016 (xls)
Recommended Plan of Study MA Political Science 2016


Further details about the study content

 Courses MA Political Science 2023/2024


Admission Criteria and Tuition Fees

Admission is contingent upon completion of bachelor’s studies in Political Science or an equivalent academic program by an Austrian or international post-secondary institution. If such equivalency can not be fully established, students will be required to take additional coursework of up to 45 ECTS credits.

No tuition fees are required for students from the European Union as long as they do not exceed the program’s normal length of four semesters. However, a small obligatory activity fee (currently € 22.70/semester) in support of the Austrian Student Union is collected from all students. Exceptions apply to third-country nationals who are charged tuition fees of € 745.42 per semester.

Detailed information on how to apply for a graduate study at the University of Salzburg can be found under the following link.



The program’s stated objectives are for students to acquire highly specialized knowledge about the field of study along with advanced methodological skills. Program participants will also learn how to develop innovative research questions, compose seminar papers that are theoretically and methodologically well-grounded, and defend their arguments in oral presentation. Graduates of the program will be able to critically analyze and evaluate complex political subject matters and gain a rich expertise on which to draw in the professional practice.



The MA program in Political Science allows for individualized course programs based on your personal interests, needs, and preferences. The program is divided into four thematic areas of which students will need to select two in order to develop their concentration of study. These four thematic areas are:

  • Democracy and Legitimacy,
  • Comparative Politics,
  • Multilevel Politics – Austria and Europe, and
  • International Relations.

The courses, which all entail a workload of 6 ECTS points, are organized in the following modules:

  • Elective Modules 1-4: 2 out of 4 thematic areas to be selected – 36 ECTS points
    (1 proseminar basic texts, 2 specific seminars per area)
  • Compulsory Elective Module: either Advanced Methods or aApplied Course – 6 ECTS points
    (1 seminar)
  • Compulsory Module: Advanced Thematic Courses – 12 ECTS points
  • Compulsory Module: Methods – 12 ECTS points
    (2 exercies with lecture)
  • Compulsory Module: Master’s Seminar – 6 ECTS points

In addition, elective courses (12 ECTS points) have to be completed. Your study is completed by the master’s thesis (30 ECTS points) and a master’s exam (6 ECTS points).


Completing your Master’s Degree

The end of your Master’s Degree is approaching? Congratulations and all the best for the remaining exams!

This Info Sheet MA Degree is intended to help you complete all the final administrative steps of your studies quickly and easily, focusing on the registration, preparation and submission of your master’s thesis and the registration of your master’s exam. Students must have successfully completed all of the required courses and the master’s thesis in order to be eligible to take the master’s exam. The exam takes place before an examining committee which tests two examination subjects suggested by the candidate, which he/she chooses from the elective modules as specialisation.

Please note: To avoid delays please complete the steps in the order as described here. Please check whether all requirements are met, otherwise no administrative processing can take place! If you have any other questions regarding the administrative procedure please contact Mag. Nikolina Sokic ().


List of Master’s Thesis Examiners and Supervisors

Examiners for the two selected areas:

  • Blauberger Michael, Dr., Univ.-Prof.
  • Dolezal Martin, Dr., Postdoc
  • Dür Andreas, Dr., Univ.-Prof.
  • Fortin-Rittberger Jessica, Dr., Univ.-Prof.
  • Heinisch Reinhard, Dr., Univ.-Prof.
  • Huber Robert, Dr., Univ.-Prof.
  • Lefkofridi Zoe, Dr., Univ.-Prof.
  • Miklin Eric, Dr., Assoz.-Prof.
  • Ripoll Servent Ariadna, Dr., Univ.-Prof.

Examiners for specific topics:

  • Fallend Franz, Dr., Senior Scientist (Comparative Federalism and Regionalism)
  • Mühlböck Armin, Dr., Senior Scientist (Austrian Politics, Regional and Local Studies)
  • Wydra Doris, Dr., Postdoc (Politics of the EU, European Neighbourhood Policy and EU/Russia Relations)


Contact and Further Information