Comparative Politics


Research focus

Research in Comparative Politics focuses on the impact of political institutions and actors on variables such as democratization, quality of democracy and political representation. In addition, we contribute to the development of quantitative, but also qualitative methods in political science. Since 2013 this area of scholarship has been under the direction of Prof. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger.



The following personnel of the Department of Political Science is doing research and teaches in the field of comparative politics:

Formerly associated staff

Research projects

Currently, the following externally financed research projects are carried out by members of the political science department in the field of comparative politics:

Recent Publications



  • Dingler, Sarah C. / Jessica Fortin-Rittberger (2022). Women and Leadership in the European Parliament: A Long-Term Perspective, in: Henriette Müller / Ingeborg Tömmel (eds.):  Women and Leadership in the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press.




  • Dingler, Sarah C. / Corinna Kroeber / Jessica Fortin-Rittberger (2019). Do Parliaments Underrepresent Women’s Policy Preferences? Exploring Gender Equality in Policy Congruence in 21 European emocracies, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 26(2), 302-321.
  • Fortin-Rittberger, Jessica / Christina Eder / Corinna Kroeber / Vanessa Marent (2019). How Party Systems Shape Local-National Gender Gaps, in: Government and Opposition, 54(1), 52-74. doi:10.1017/gov.2017.30.
  • Kroeber, Corinna / Vanessa Marent / Jessica Fortin-Rittberger / Christina Eder (2019). Still a glass ceiling? Tracing the limits to women’s representation in elected office, in: Comparative European Politics, 17, 112–131.
  • Ramstetter, Lena / Fabian Habersack (2019). Do women make a difference? Analysing environmental attitudes and actions of Members of the European Parliament, in: Environmental Politics, 1-22.


  • Dingler, Sarah C./Corinna Kröber (2018). Warum sich der Gender Gap durch den Reißverschluss nicht schließen lässt: Eine Analyse der Repräsentation von Frauen im österreichischen Nationalrat (JBZ-Arbeitspapiere, Nr. 46), Salzburg.
  • Dingler, Sarah C. / Corinna Kroeber / Jessica Fortin-Rittberger (2018). Do parliaments underrepresent women’s policy preferences? Exploring gender equality in policy congruence in 21 European democracies, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 1–20.
  • Harfst, Philipp / Sarah C. Dingler / Jessica Fortin-Rittberger / Julian Noseck et al. (2018). Elusive indeed – The mechanical versus psychological effects of electoral rules at the district level, in: Electoral Studies, 53, 90–98.
  • Lefkofridi, Zoe / Nathalie Giger / Anne Maria Holli (2018). When All Parties Nominate Women: The Role of Political Gender Stereotypes in Voters’ Choices, in: Politics and Gender, 15(4), 746-772.
  • Lefkofridi, Zoe / Alexia Katsanidou (2018). A Step Closer to a Transnational Party System? Competition and Coherence in the 2009 and 2014 European Parliament: A Transnational Party System?, in: JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(6), 1462–1482.
  • Lefkofridi, Zoe / Kristina Weissenbach (2019). The Institutionalisation of New Parties in Greece: (How) Does it matter for Success?, in: Robert Harmel / Lars Svasand (eds.):  Institutionalization of Political Parties: Comparative Cases, Colchester.
  • Maier, Jürgen / Thorsten Faas / Berthold Rittberger / Jessica Fortin-Rittberger et al. (2018). This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy – evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 25(4), 606-629.
  • Niemann, Arne / Zoe Lefkofridi / Philippe C. Schmitter (2018). Neofunctionalism, in: Antje Wiener / Tanja Börzel / Thomas Risse (eds.):  European Integration Theories, Third Edition, Oxford, 43-63.

Complete lists of publications of the staff members in comparative politics may be found on their personal websites.