Photo Lara Zwittlinger©

Lara Zwittlinger, B.A., B.A., M.A.
PhD Researcher

Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0)662 8044 – 6623

Office hours: by appointment

Lara Zwittlinger has been a doctoral candidate in comparative politics since March 2024. From 2020 to 2022, she completed her bachelor’s degree in political science at the University of Salzburg. Her bachelor’s thesis titled “The gender equality paradox – The rigidity of implicit gender stereotypes and their impact on women’s representation in STEM” dealt with the connection between cultural value orientations, the societal dispersion of gender stereotypes, and horizontal gender segregation in tertiary education and the labor market. She completed her subsequent master’s degree in February 2024, with her master’s thesis focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on political attitudes and party preferences. In her dissertation, she explores the causes and political consequences of the so-called ‘cultural backlash’.