Photo Mario Wintersteiger©

Dr. Mario Wintersteiger
External lecturer

Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: 43 662 8044 6605
Fax.: 43 662 8044 166

Office hours: by appointment

Mario Wintersteiger is lecturer at the Department of Political Science since March 2018. Before that he held other academic positions at the University of Salzburg, where he completed his degrees (Master’s Degree in political science in 2007, Doctor’s Degree in 2011). He also teaches regularly for the American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS) since 2013. From 2010 to 2020, he was also lecturing for Bowling Green State University’s Academic Year Abroad (AYA) program in Austria. He was Managing Editor of the Austrian Journal of Political Science (OZP) und member of the Austrian Research Association’s working group “Politics – Religion – Violence”. His teaching and research focus is on Political Theory and the History of Ideas. In recent years, he has published on social crisis cycles and political mythology.