Foto Kathrin Bachleitner

Senior Scientist

Edmundsburg – Haus für Europa, Mönchsberg 2, 5020 Salzburg


SCEUS – Salzburg Center for European Union Studies

Kathrin Bachleitner is a senior scientist at the University of Salzburg. Her research focuses on International Relations and the EU. Her academic and teaching activities include international politics, global security, and diplomacy, with an emphasis on the external relations between the EU and the Middle East. She focuses on collective identities, historical memory, legacies of war, and the experience of social trauma in the aftermath of conflict and displacement. She has published her research findings in the monograph “Collective Memory in International Relations” (Oxford University Press 2021). She is also the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications in world-leading IR journals such as International Security, Review of International Studies, Cooperation and Conflict, and Foreign Policy Analysis. Equally, she is the editor of a special issue on the consequences of war and displacement in Syria published in Nations and Nationalism.

Kathrin Bachleitner began her academic career at the University of Oxford, where she has been teaching and researching since 2015. She studied Political Science at the University of Salzburg (Mag. phil. 2008) and International Relations and Economics at the School of Advanced International Studies SAIS, Johns Hopkins University (M.A. 2010). She wrote her doctoral thesis on the diplomatic relations between Germany, Austria, and Israel at Oxford University’s Department of Political Science and International Relations (D. Phil. 2019).