Waste Management
 Waste Service of Salzburg

 Saving Energy
 Energy Consulting in Salzburg
 Transport and Energy in the Salzburg Province
 Guide to Sustainable and Energy Efficient Products

Green Meeting
 Green Meeting, Eco-labels

Green Universities
 The BOKU Model for a Green University in Austria
 Sustainability Platform of the University of Graz
 Copernicus Alliance, European Sustainability Network of Universities

 Website of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture for Food in Austria

 Transport and Energy in the Salzburg Province

Repair Rather Than Discard
 Addresses for Repairs in the Salzburg Province

 Environmental Protection in Austria
 Environmental Protection in the Salzburg Province

 Environmental Policy in the European Union
 Environmental Situation in Austria
 Water in Austria

Ecological Procurement
 Guide to Sustainable and Energy Efficient Products
 Eco- Shopping
 Sustainable Procurement

Direct or indirect references to external Internet pages (“links”)

aste Management
 Waste Service of Salzburg

 Saving Energy
 Energy Consulting in Salzburg
 Transport and Energy in the Salzburg Province
 Guide to Sustainable and Energy Efficient Products

Green Meeting
 Green Meeting, Eco-labels

Green Universities
 The BOKU Model for a Green University in Austria
 Sustainability Platform of the University of Graz
 Copernicus Alliance, European Sustainability Network of Universities

 Website of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture for Food in Austria

 Transport and Energy in the Salzburg Province

Repair Rather Than Discard
 Addresses for Repairs in the Salzburg Province

 Environmental Protection in Austria
 Environmental Protection in the Salzburg Province

 Environmental Policy in the European Union
 Environmental Situation in Austria
 Water in Austria

Ecological Procurement
 Guide to Sustainable and Energy Efficient Products
 Eco- Shopping
 Sustainable Procurement

Direct or indirect references to external Internet pages (“links”) are not within the responsibility of the PLUS CAMPUS GREEN site; the University of Salzburg does not adopt the content of these third-party websites as its own.