Johannes Brandl

Photo Johannes BrandlPhoto © Johannes Brandl

Emeritus Prof. Dr. Johannes Brandl

Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences
Franziskanergasse 1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria



  • Since November 2024: Emeritus
  • 2020: Associate Professor at the department
  • 2010 and 2019: Sabbatical at the University of California, Irvine
  • 2006: Research visit at the Centre for the Study of Language and Information (Stanford University)
  • 2001 Assistant Professor at the department
  • 2000: Co-editor of Grazer Philosophischen Studien, Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie
  • 1999: Research visit at the University of California, Irvine.
  • 1993: Research visit at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
  • 1991 bis 2001 Postdoc researcher at the department
  • 1987 Dr. phil., University of Graz
  • Studium der Philosophie und Germanistik in Graz
  • CV Brandl

Areas of Specialisation

  • Brentano’s theory of mental phenomena
  • Consciousness, self-awareness and the authority of the first person
  • Theory of Mind and understanding of actions
  • Naturalism in the Philosophy of mind
  • Folk psychology and the concept of a person
