David Jost, BA BA MA
Project staff
Department of Philosophy / Catholic Theological Faculty
Franziskanergasse 1, IV, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 662-8044-2530
Digitalization, human image and human dignity:
Digitalization presents us with considerable ethical and legal challenges. Some applications even touch on the fundamental value of human dignity. However, what human dignity means is often unclear – especially in new contexts. This has to do with the fact that human dignity is a concept that is “open to interpretation” and must first be interpreted through a conception of humanity and specified for the respective area of application. At the same time – and this is what makes the matter so difficult – many applications of digitalization convey reductionist images of humanity, which are often unconsciously adopted and encourage one-sided interpretations of human dignity.
The research project aims to examine this connection between human dignity and the image of man in the field of digitalization.