DK Publications (current faculty members)

Please also see our  complete list of publications of the 2nd funding period and  complete list of publications of the 1st & 2nd funding period at  ResearcherID.

Hutzler / Hawelka


Schuster, S., Hawelka, S., Himmelstoss, N. A., Richlan, F., & Hutzler, F. (submitted, 28th February 2018; Invited contribution special issue “The neuroscience of natural language processing”). The neural correlates of word position and lexical predictability during sentence reading: Evidence from fixation-related fMRI. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.
Himmelstoss, N. A., Schuster, S., Hawelka, S., & Hutzler, F. (submitted, 22nd March, 2018; Invited contribution special issue “The neuroscience of natural language processing”). Co-registration of eye movements and neuroimaging for studying the “what”, “when” and “how” of visual word recognition in natural reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.
Schuster, S., Himmelstoss, N. A., Hutzler, F., Richlan, F., Kronbichler, M., & Hawelka, S. (submitted 8th March, 2018). Cloze enough? Haemodynamic effects of predictive processing during natural reading. NeuroImage.


Vignali, L., Himmelstoss, N. A., Hawelka, S., Richlan, F., and Hutzler, F. (2016). Oscillatory Brain Dynamics during Sentence Reading: A Fixation-Related Spectral Perturbation Analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 1-13.

Representative faculty publications – F. Hutzler

Schuster, S., Hawelka, S., Hutzler F., Kronbichler, M. & Richlan F. (2016). Words in Context: The Effects of Length, Frequency, and Predictability on Brain Responses During Natural Reading. Cerebral Cortex, 1-16. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw184
Schuster, S., Hawelka, S., Richlan, F., Ludersdorfer, P. & Hutzler, F. (2015). Eyes on words: A fixation-related fMRI study of the left occipito-temporal cortex during self-paced silent reading of words and pseudowords. Scientific Reports, 5, 12686,  doi: 10.1038/srep12686.
De Lissa, P., McArthur, G., Hawelka, S., Palermo, R., Mahajan, Y., Hutzler, F. (2014). Fixation location on upright and inverted faces modulates the N170. Neuropsychologia.  
Richlan, F., Gagl, B., Hawelka, S., Braun, M., Schurz, M., Kronbichler, M., & Hutzler, F. (2014). Fixation-related fMRI analysis in the domain of reading research: using self-paced eye movements as markers for hemodynamic brain responses during visual letter string processing. Cereb Cortex., 24(10), 2647-2656. [Index: -; IF: 8.665.]  
Hutzler, F. (2014). Reverse inference is not a fallacy per se: Cognitive processes can be inferred from functional imaging data. NeuroImage, 84, 1061 – 1069, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.12.075. [Index: SCI; IF: 6.357]

Schuster, S., Himmelstoss, N. A., Hutzler, F., Richlan, F., Kronbichler, M., & Hawelka, S. (submitted 8th March, 2018). Cloze enough? Haemodynamic effects of predictive processing during natural reading. NeuroImage.

Jonas / Klackl

„in press

Mühlberger, C., Braumandl, I., & Jonas, E. (in press). Nachhaltigkeit durch die Förderung einer autonomen Selbstregulation: Wie können Coachingausbildungen und Coachingprozesse gestaltet werden um eine autonome Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zu erzielen? In E. Bamberg & C. T. Schmitt (Hrsg.), Psychologie und Nachhaltigkeit. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Schiemann, S., Mühlberger, C., Jonas, E., Mühlberger, M. D., & Braumandl, I. (in press). Mein Coaching: Die Erfüllung des Bedürfnisses nach Autonomie im Coaching. Olten: Coaching meets Research.


Jonas, E., & Mühlberger, C. (2017). Editorial: Social Cognition, motivation, and interaction: How do people respond to threats in social interactions? Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1577. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01577
Jonas, E., Mühlberger, C., Böhm, A., & Esser, V. (2017). Motivkongruenz in sozialen Austausch- und Interdependenzprozessen im Karrieremanagement: Training, Coaching, Mentoring und Supervision in einem sozialpsychologischen Vergleich. In: S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement. Verlag: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-45855-6_31-1
Mühlberger, C., Jonas, E., & Sittenthaler, S. (2017). Uncontrollability, reactance, and power: Power as a resource to regain control after freedom threats. In M. Bukowski, I. Fritsche, A. Guinote & M. Kofta (Eds.). Coping with lack of control in a social world (220-236). Routledge Psychology Press.


Agroskin, D., Jonas, E., Klackl, J., & Prentice, M. (2016). Inhibition underlies the effect of high need for closure on cultural closed-mindedness under mortality salience. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 :1583.
Mühlberger, C., Angus, D. J., Jonas, E., Harmon‐Jones, C., & Harmon‐Jones, E. (2017). Perceived control increases the reward positivity and stimulus preceding negativity. Psychophysiology, 54(2), 310-322. doi:10.1111/psyp.12786.
Sittenthaler, S., Traut-Mattausch, E., Steindl, C., & Jonas, E. (2015). Salzburger State Reactance Scale (SSR Scale): Validation of a Scale Measuring State Reactance. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 257-266. doi: 27/2151-2604/a000227
Steindl, C., Jonas, E., Sittenthaler, S., Traut-Mattausch, E., & Greenberg, J. (2015). Understanding psychological reactance: New developments and findings. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 205-214. doi: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000222


Agroskin, D., Jonas, E. & Traut-Mattausch, E. (2015). When suspicious minds go political: Distrusting and justifying the system at the same time. Political Psychology, 36(6),613-629.
Jonas, E. & Steindl, C. (2015). Annäherung oder Vermeidung? Eine motivationale Sicht auf Reformprozesse. Personal Quarterly, 2, 10-16.
Sittenthaler, S., Steindl, C., & Jonas, E. (2015). Legitimate versus illegitimate restrictions – A motivational and physiological approach investigating reactance processes. Frontiers in Psychology, 6: 632.
Steindl, C., & Jonas, E. (2015). The dynamic reactance interaction – How vested interests affect people’s experience, behavior, and cognition in social interactions. Frontiers in Psychology 6:1752.   doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01752
Steindl, C., Jonas, E., Sittenthaler, S., Traut-Mattausch, E., & Greenberg, J. (2015). Understanding Psychological Reactance. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223(4), 205-214.


Agroskin, D., Klackl, J., & Jonas, E. (2014). The self-liking brain: A VBM study on the structural substrate of self-esteem. PLOS ONE 9(1)), e86430. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086430 Impact: 3.534
Jonas, E., McGregor, I., Klackl, J., Agroskin, D., Fritsche, I., Holbrook, C., Nash, K., Proulx, T., & Quirin, M. (2014). Threat and Defense: From Anxiety to Approach. In Olson, J. M. & Zanna, M. P. (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 49, pp. 219-286). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.


Agroskin, D., & Jonas, E. (2013). Controlling Death by Defending Ingroups – Mediational Insights into Terror Management and Control Restoration. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 1144-1158. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2013.05.014 Impact: 1.993
Du, H., Jonas, E., Klackl, J., Agroskin, D., Hui, E. K. P., & Ma, L. (2013). Cultural influences on terror management: Independent and interdependent self-esteem as anxiety buffers. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(6), 1002–1011.


Gerlach, T. M., Allemand, M., Agroskin, D., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2012). Justice Sensitivity and Forgiveness in Close Interpersonal Relationships: The Mediating Role of Mistrustful, Legitimizing, and Pro-Relationship Cognitions. Journal of Personality, 80(5), 1467-1469.   doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2012.00762.x
Klackl, J., Pfundmair, M., Agroskin, D., & Jonas, E. (2012). Who’s to blame? Oxytocin promotes nonpersonalistic attributions in response to a trust betrayal. Biological Psychology, 92(2), 387-394.
Steindl, C., & Jonas, E. (2012). What reasons might the other one have? Perspective-taking to reduce psychological reactance in Individualists and Collectivists. Psychology, 3, 1153-1160.


Gerlach, T. M., Agroskin, D., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2011). Forgiveness in close interpersonal relationships: A negotiation approach. In E. Kals & J. Maes (Eds.), Justice and conflicts: Theoretical and empirical contributions (pp. 377–390). New York: Springer.


Agroskin, D., & Jonas, E. (2010). Out of control: How and why does perceived lack of control lead to ethnocentrism? Review of Psychology, 17(2), 79-90.

Representative faculty publications – E. Jonas

Jonas, E., McGregor, I., Klackl, J., Agroskin, D., Fritsche, I., Holbrook, C., Nash, K., Proulx, T., & Quirin, M. (2014). Threat and Defense: From Anxiety to Approach. In Olson, J. M. & Zanna, M. P. (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 49, pp. 219-286). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Jonas, E., & Fritsche, I. (2013). Destined to die but not to wage war: How existential threat can contribute to escalation or de-escalation of violent intergroup conflict. American Psychologist, 68(7), 543-558.
Klackl, J., Jonas., E., & Kronbichler, M. (2013). Existential Neuroscience: Neurophysiological correlates of proximal defenses against death-related thoughts. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8(3), 333-340.
Klackl, J., Jonas, E., & Kronbichler, M. (in press). Existential neuroscience: Self-esteem moderates neuronal responses to mortality-related stimuli. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.

Kronbichler / Richlan

Representative faculty publications – M. Kronbichler

Crone, J. S., Schurz, M., Höller, Y., Bergmann, J., Monti, M., Schmid, E., … & Kronbichler, M. (2015). Impaired consciousness is linked to changes in effective connectivity of the posterior cingulate cortex within the default mode network. Neuroimage, 110, 101-109.doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.005
Kronbichler, L., Tschernegg, M., Martin, A. I., Schurz M., & Kronbichler M. (2017). Abnormal Brain Activation During Theory of Mind Tasks in Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis. Schizophr Bull., 43(6), 1240-1250. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbx073.
Wimmer, H., Ludersdorfer, P., Richlan, F., & Kronbichler, M. (2016). Visual Experience Shapes Orthographic Representations in the Visual Word Form Area. Psychological Science, 27(9), 1240-1248.
Martin, A., Schurz, M., Kronbichler, M., & Richlan, F. (2015). Reading in the brain of children and adults: A meta-analysis of 40 functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. Human brain mapping, 36(5), 1963-1981. doi:10.1002/hbm.22749
Schwartenbeck, P., FitzGerald, T. H. B., Mathys, C., Dolan, R., Kronbichler, M., & Friston, K. (2015). Evidence for surprise minimization over value maximization in choice behavior. Scientific Report, 5, 16575, doi:10.1038/srep16575

Perner / Schurz


Schurz, M., Tholen, M., Perner, J., Mars, R. & Sallet, J. (2017). Specifying the brain anatomy underlying temporo-parietal junction activations for theory of mind: A review with probabilistic atlases from different imaging modalities. Human Brain Mapping. 38, 4788-4805. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23675
Tholen, M. G., & Perner, J. (2017). Kognitive und neuronale Grundlagen des Identitätsbewusstseins. In F. Gmainer-Pranzl & B. Mackinger (Eds.), Identitäten – Zumutungen für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (Salzburger interdisziplinäre Diskurse, Bd. 9). Frankfurt a.M., Germany: Peter Lang Verlag.
Arora, A., Schurz, M., & Perner, J. (2017). Systematic Comparison of Brain Imaging Meta-Analyses of ToM with vPT,“ BioMed Research International, 12 pages. doi:10.1155/2017/6875850.


Schurz, M., & Tholen, M. G. (2016). What brain imaging did (not) tell us about the Inferior Frontal Gyrus in theory of mind – A commentary on Samson et al., (2015). Cortex 74, 329 – 333.
Kulakova, E., & Nieuwland, M. S. (2016). Pragmatic skills predict online counterfactual comprehension: Evidence from the N400. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(5), 814-824. Impact Factor: 2.886
Kulakova, E., & Nieuwland, M. S. (2016). Understanding counterfactuality: A review of experimental evidence for the dual meaning of counterfactuals. Language and Linguistics Compass, 10, 49-64.


Arora, A., Weiss, B., Schurz, M., Aichhorn, M., Wieshofer, R. C., Martin, A., & Perner, J. (2015).  Left Inferior-Parietal Lobe Activity in Perspective Tasks: Identity statements. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.   Impact factor: 3.6


Kulakova, E., Freunberger, D., & Roehm D. (2014). Marking the counterfactual: ERP evidence for pragmatic processing of German subjunctives. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 8:548. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00548 impact 2.9


Kulakova, E., Aichhorn, M., Schurz, M., Kronbichler, M., & Perner, J. (2013). Processing counterfactual and hypothetical conditionals: An fMRI  investigation. NeuroImage, 72, 265-271. impact 6.1


Klimesch, W. & Arora, A. (2012). The EEG frequency architecture, coupled oscillations and consciousness: Comment on ‚Consciousness, biology and quantum hypotheses‘ by Baars and Edelman. Physics of Life Reviews, 9(3), 295-296.

Representative faculty publications – J. Perner

Perner, J., Huemer, M., & Leahy, B. (2015). Mental Files and Belief: A cognitive theory of how children represent belief and its intensionality. Cognition, 145, 77-88
Perner, J., & Esken, F. (2015). Evolution of human cooperation in Homo Heidelbergensis: Teleology versus mentalism. Developmental Review, 38, 69-88
Schurz, M., Radua, J., Aichhorn, M., Richlan, F., & Perner, J. (2014). Fractionating theory of mind: A meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 42: 9-34.

Pletzer / Aichhorn


Harris, TA., Scheuringer, A., Pletzer, B. (2018). Sex differences and functional hemispheric asymmetries during number comparison. Biology of sex differences 9 (1), 3.


Hidalgo-Lopez, E., Pletzer, B. (2017). Interactive Effects of Dopamine Baseline Levels and Cycle Phase on Executive Functions: the Role of Progesterone. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11: 403.
Pletzer, B., Scheuringer, A., Scherndl, T. (2017). Global-local processing relates to spatial and verbal processing: implications for sex differences in cognition. Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10575.
Scheuringer, A., Pletzer, B. (2017). Sex Differences and Menstrual Cycle Dependent Changes in Cognitive Strategies during Spatial Navigation and Verbal Fluency. Frontiers in Psychology 8.
Scheuringer, A., Wittig, R., Pletzer, B. (2017). Sex differences in verbal fluency: the role of strategies and instructions. Cognitive Processing: 1-11.


Scheuringer, A., Pletzer, B. (2016). Sex differences in the Kimchi-Palmer task revisited: Global reaction times, but not number of global choices differ between adult men and women. Physiology & Behavior 165: 159-165.
Pletzer, B., Möller, K., Scheuringer, A., Dohmas, F., Kerschbaum, H., Nuerk, H.-C. (2016). Behavioural evidence for sex differences in the overlap between subtraction and multiplication. Cognitive Processing 17(2): 147-154.
Pletzer, B., Scheuringer, A., Harris, T. (2016). Spacing and Presentation Modes Affect the Unit-Decade Compatibility Effect During Number Comparison. Experimental psychology.

Representative faculty publications – B. Pletzer

Pletzer, B., Harris, TA. (2017). Sex differences in the relationship between global advantage, lateralization and inter-hemispheric connectivity in a Navon paradigm. Brain connectivity.
Pletzer, B., Scheuringer, A., Scherndl, T. (2017). Global-local processing relates to spatial and verbal processing: implications for sex differences in cognition. Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10575
Pletzer, B. (2016). Sex differences in number processing: Differential systems for subtraction and multiplication were confirmed in men, but not in women. Scientific reports 6.
Pletzer, B., Crone, J., Kronbichler, M., Kerschbaum, H. (2016). Menstrual Cycle and Hormonal Contraceptive-Dependent Changes in Intrinsic Connectivity of Resting-State Brain Networks Correspond to Behavioral Changes Due to Hormonal Status. Brain connectivity 6(7): 572-585.
Pletzer, B., Kronbichler, M., Nuerk, H.-C., Kerschbaum, H. (2014). Hormonal contraceptives masculinize brain activation patterns in the absence of behavioral changes in two numerical tasks. Brain research 1543: 128-142.

Schabus / Hödlmoser


Hahn, M., Joechner, A., Roell, J., Schabus, M., Heib, D.P.J., Gruber, G., Peigneux, P. & Hoedlmoser, K. (under revision). Developmental changes of sleep spindles and their impact on sleep-dependent memory consolidation and general cognitive abilities – a longitudinal approach. Developmental Science.

in press & accepted

Blume, C., del Giudice, R., Wislowska, M., Heib, D. P. J., & Schabus, M. (accepted). Standing Sentinel during Human Sleep: Continued Evaluation of Environmental Stimuli in the Absence of Consciousness. NeuroImage.
Schabus M., Wislowska M., Angerer M., Blume C. (in press). Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Severely Brain-Injured Patients – A Comment. Clinical Neurophysiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2018.03.048.
van Schalkwijk, F.J., Sauter, C., Hoedlmoser, K., Heib, D.P.J., Klösch, G.,  Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Zeitlhofer, J., and Schabus, M. (2017). The effect of napping on the consolidation of declarative and procedural information. Journal of sleep research. DOI:10.1111/jsr.12649


van Schalkwijk, F.J., Ricci, M., Nikpour, A., & Miller, L.A. (2018): The impact of sleep characteristics and epilepsy variables on memory performance in patients with focal seizures. Epilepsy & Behavior. DOI:10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.06.034
Wielek, T., Lechinger, J., Wislowska, M., Blume, C., Ott, P., Wegenkittl, S., del Giudice, R., Mayer, H., Laureys, S., Pichlar, G. & Schabus, M. (2018). Sleep in patients with disorders of consciousness characterized by means of machine learning. PLoS ONE 13(1), e0190458. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5669641.


Blume, C., Lechinger, J., Santhi, N., del Giudice, R., Gnjezda, M.-T., Pichler, G., Scarpatetti, M.,  Donis, J., Michitsch, G., & Schabus, M. (2017). Significance of circadian rhythms in severely brain-injured patients: A clue to consciousness? Neurology, 88, 1933-1941. DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000003942 2017.
Hahn, M. & Hödlmoser, K. (2017). Altersbedingte Veränderung schlafspezifischer Gehirnoszillation. In M. Schimke & G. Lepperdinger (Eds.), Gesund Altern. Einblicke und Ausblicke zum Thema „Alt werden und gesund bleiben“ (pp. 240 – 249). Doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-19973-9
Schabus, M., Griessenberger, H., Gnjezda, M.T., Heib, D.P.J., Wislowska, M. & Hoedlmoser, K. (2017). Better than sham? A double-blind placebo-controlled neurofeedback study in primary insomnia. Brain. DOI: 10.1093/brain/awx011.
Wislowska, M., del Giudice, R., Lechinger, J., Wielek, T., Heib, D.P.J., Pitiot, A., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., Donis, J. & Schabus, M. (2017). Night and day variations of sleep in patients with disorders of consciousness. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 266. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00323-4.
Wislowska, M. & Schabus, M. (2017). What can we learn about brain functions from sleep EEG? Insights from sleep of DOC patients. In C. Schnakers, & S. Laureys (Eds), Coma and Disorders of Consciousness. London, UK: Springer-Press.


Blume, C., del Giudice, R., Lechinger, J., Wislowska, M., Heib, D. P. J., Hoedlmoser, K., & Schabus, M. (2016). Preferential processing of emotionally and self-relevant stimuli persists in unconscious N2 sleep. Brain and Language. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2016.02.004.
Blume, C., Santhi, N., & Schabus, M. (2016). ‘nparACT’package for R: A free software tool for the non-parametric analysis of actigraphy data. MethodsX.
del Giudice, R., Blume, C., Wislowska, M., Wielek T., Heib, D.P.J., & Schabus, M. (2016).  The Voice of Anger: Oscillatory EEG Responses to Emotional Prosody.  PLoS ONE, 11(7), e0159429. Impact Factor: 3.70   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159429.
del Giudice, R., Blume, C., Wislowska, M., Lechinger, J., Heib, D.P.J., Pichler, G., Donis, J., Michitsch, G., Gnjezda, M.T., Chinchilla, M., Machado, C. & Schabus, M. (2016). Can self-relevant stimuli help assessing patients with disorders of consciousness? Consciousness and Cognition, 44, 51-60. Impact Factor: 2.428   DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2016.06.013.
Wislowska, M., Heib, D.P.J., Griessenberger, H., Hoedlmoser, K. & Schabus, M. (2016). Individual baseline memory performance and its significance for sleep-dependent memory consolidation. Sleep Spindles & Cortical Up States: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 0, 1-12.


Blume, C., del Giudice, R., Wislowska, M., Lechinger, J., & Schabus, M. (2015). Across the consciousness continuum–from unresponsive wakefulness to sleep. Front Hum Neurosci, 9, 105.
Blume, C., Lechinger, J., del Giudice, R., Wislowska, M., Heib, D.P.J., & Schabus, M. (2015). EEG oscillations reflect the complexity of social interactions in a non-verbal social cognition task using animated triangles. Neuropsychologia, 75, 330-340.   doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.06.009

Heib, D.P.J., Hoedlmoser, K., Anderer, P., Gruber, G., Zeitlhofer, J., Schabus, M. (2015). OscillatoryTheta Activity during Memory Formation and Its Impact on Overnight Consolidation: A Missing Link? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27 (8), 1648-1658.   Impact factor: 5.259
Himmelstoss, N.H., Brötzner, C.P., Zauner, A., Kerschbaum, H.H., Gruber, W., Lechinger, J., & Klimesch, W. (2015). Prestimulus amplitudes modulate P1 latencies and evoked traveling alpha waves. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9 (302), 1-12. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00302
Lechinger, J., Heib, D.P.J., Gruber, W., Schabus, M., & Klimesch, W. (2015). Heartbeat-related EEG amplitude and phase modulations from wakefulness to deep sleep: Interactions with sleep spindles and slow oscillations. Psychophysiology, 52(11), 1441 – 1450.


Heib, D. P. J., Hoedlmoser, K., & Schabus, M. (2014). Experimentelle Manipulation von Prozessen der Gedächtniskonsolidierung im Schlaf. In H. Schulz, P. Geisler & A. Rodenbeck (Eds.), Kompendium Schlafmedizin (Vol. 21, Kapitel II-9.4). Landsberg: ecomed Medizin.
Schabus, M., Heib, D. P. J., & Hoedlmoser, K (2014). Informationsbahnung temporärer und dauerhafter Muster im Schlaf. In H. Schulz, P. Geisler & A. Rodenbeck (Eds.), Kompendium Schlafmedizin (Vol. 21, Kapitel II-4.1). Landsberg: ecomed Medizin.
Blume, C., & Herbert, C. (2014). The HisMine-Paradigm: A new paradigm to investigate self-awareness employing pronouns. Soc Neurosci, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2014.886616
del Giudice, R., Lechinger, J., Wislowska, M., Heib, D.P.J., Hoedlmoser, K., & Schabus, M. (2014). Oscillatory brain responses to own names uttered by unfamiliar and familiar voices. Brain Research, 1591, 63-73. Impact Factor: 2.957
del Giudice, R., Wislowska, M. & Schabus, M. (2014). Current Neuroscientific Progress in Disorder of Consciousness Research. In Herzong, E.M., Bauer H.C. & Lametschwandtner, A. (Eds.), Blickpunkt: Leben. Am Rande des Daseins? (pp. 29-46). Salzburg, SL: Norderstedt.
Gruber, W.R., Zauner, A., Lechinger, J., Schabus, M., Kutil, R., & Klimesch, W. (2014). Alpha phase, temporal attention, and the generation of early event related potentials. Neuroimage. 103, 119–129.
Hoedlmoser, K., Heib, D., Roell, J., Peigneux, P., Sadeh, A., Gruber, G., & Schabus, M. (2014). Slow sleep spindle activity, declarative memory and general cognitive abilities in children. SLEEP, 37(9), 1501-1512.
Schabus, M., Heib, D.P.J., Lechinger, J., Griessenberger, H., Klimesch, W., Pawlizki, A., Kunz, A.B., Sterman, B.M., & Hoedlmoser, K. (2014). Enhancing sleep quality and memory in insomnia using instrumental sensorimotor rhythm conditioning. Biological Psychology, 95, 126-134.
Wislowska, M., del Giudice, R., & Schabus, M. (2014). Searching for neuronal correlates of consciousness – What do we learn from coma and disorders of consciousness. Journal of Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics, 4(2-3), 135-147.


Griessenberger, H., Heib, D.P.J., Kunz, A.B., Hoedlmoser, K., & Schabus, M. (2013). Assessment of a wireless headband for automatic sleep scoring. Sleep and Breathing, 17(2), 747-752.   Impact factor: 2.018
Griessenberger, H., Heib, D.P.J., Lechinger, J., Luketina, N., Petzka, M., Möckel, T., Hoedlmoser, K., & Schabus, M. (2013). Susceptibility to declarative memory interference is pronounced in primary insomnia. Plos ONE, 8(2), e57394.   Impact factor: 4.537
Heib, D.P.J., Hoedlmoser, K., Anderer, P., Zeitlhofer, J., Gruber, G., Klimesch, W., & Schabus, M. (2013). Slow oscillation amplitudes and up-state lengths relate to memory improvement. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e82049. 5-Year Impact Factor = 4.015
Lechinger, J., Chwala-Schlegel, N., Fellinger, R., Donis, J., Michitsch, G., Pichler, G., & Schabus, M. (2013). Mirroring of a simple motor behaviour in Disorders of Consciousness. Clinical Neurophysiology, 124(1), 27-34.   Impact factor: 3.298
Lechinger, J., Bothe, K., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., Donis, J., Klimesch, W., & Schabus, M. (2013). Spectral EEG during rest is strongly related to CRS-R score in Disorders of Consciousness. Journal of Neurology, 260(9), 2348-2356.
Wislowska, M., Werner, G. G., Moeckel, T., Heib, D. P. J., Hoedlmoser, K., & Schabus, M. (2013). Sleep, Memory and Emotions. In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck & S. Bauer (Eds.), Handbook of Psychology of Emotions: Recent Theoretical Perspectives and Novel Empirical Findings (Vol. 1, pp. 505-516). New York, USA: Nova Publishers.


Griessenberger, H., Hoedlmoser, K., Heib, D., Lechinger, J., Klimesch, W., & Schabus, M. (2012). Consolidation of temporal order in episodic memories. Biological Psychology, 91(1), 150-155.   Impact factor: 4.120
Schabus, M., Dang-Vu, T., Heib, D., Boly, M., Desseilles, M., Vandewalle, G., Schmidt, C., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2012). The fate of incoming stimuli during NREM sleep is determined by spindles and the phase of the slow oscillation. Frontiers in Neurology, 3(40), 1-11.

Representative faculty publications – M. Schabus

Schabus, M., Gruber, G., Parapatics, S., Sauter, C., Klösch, G., Anderer, P., Klimesch, W., Saletu, B., & Zeitlhofer, J. (2004). Sleep spindles and their significance for declarative memory consolidation. SLEEP, 27(8), 1479-1485.   Impact factor: 4.698
Schabus, M., Dang-Vu, T.T., Albouy, G., Balteau, E., Boly, M., Carrier, J., Darsaud, A., Degueldre, C., Desseilles, M., Gais, S., Phillips, C., Rauchs, G., Schnakers, C., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2007). Hemodynamic cerebral correlates of sleep spindles during human non-REM sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 104(32), 13164-13169.   Impact factor: 10.369
Schabus, M., Griessenberger, H., Gnjezda, M.-T., Heib, D. P. J., Wislowska, M., & Hoedlmoser, K. (2017). Better than sham? A double-blind placebo-controlled neurofeedback study in primary insomnia. Brain, 140 (2), 1-12.   Impact factor: 10.545
Wislowska, M., del Giudice, R., Lechinger, J., Wielek, T., Heib, D., Pitiot, A., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., Donis, J., & Schabus, M. (2017). Night and day variations of sleep in patients with disorders of consciousness. Scientific Reports, 7 (266), 1-11.   Impact factor: 5.525
Schabus, M., Wislowska, M., Angerer, M., & Blume, C. (2018). Sleep and circadian rhythms in severely brain-injured patients. Clinical Neurophysiology, in press.   Impact factor: 3.866

Trinka / Höller


Taylor,A., Zimmermann, G., Butz, K., Thomschewski, A., Tomasi, S. O., Schmid, E., Kirschner, M., Staffen, W., Trinka, E., & Höller, Y. (submitted). Subjective cognitive complaints may be a pre-stage of Alzheimer’s disease: Data analysed using a new statistical approach. Frontiers in Neuroscience.


Granbichler, C. A., Zimmermann, G., Oberaigner, W., Kuchukhidze, G., Ndayisaba, J. P., Taylor, A., Luef, G., Bathke, A. C., & Trinka, E. (2017) Potential years lost and life expectancy in adults with newly diagnosed epilepsy. Epilepsia, 58 (11), 1939-1945. doi: 10.1111/epi.13902.
Höller, Y., Butz, K., Thomschewski, A., Schmid, E., Uhl, A., Bathke, A. C., Zimmermann, G., Tomasi, S. O., Nardone, R., Staffen, W., Höller, P., Leitinger, M., Höfler, J., Kalss, G., Taylor, A. C., Kuchukhidze, G., & Trinka, E. (2017)  Reliability of EEG interactions differs between measures and is specific for neurological diseases. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, Article 350. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00350
Sebastianelli, L., Versace, V., Taylor, A., Brigo, F., Nothdurfter, W., Saltuari, L., Trinka, E., & Nardone, R. (2017) Functional reorganization after hemispherectomy in humans and animal models: What can we learn about the brain’s resilience to extensive unilateral lesions? Brain Research Bulletin, 131, 156-167. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2017.04.005
Höller, Y., Tadzic, A., Thomschewski, A. C., Höller, P., Leis, S., Tomasi, S. O., Hofer, C., Bathke, A., Nardone, R., & Trinka, E. (2017). Factors affecting volume changes of the somatosensory cortex in patients with spinal cord injury: To be considered for future neuroprosthetic design. Frontiers in Neurology, 8, Article 662. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00662
Thomschewski, A., Ströhlein, A., Langthaler, P. B., Schmid, E., Potthoff, J., Höller, P., Leis, S., Trinka, E., & Höller, Y. (2017.) Imagine there is no Plegia. Mental motor imagery difficulties in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury. Frontiers in  Neurology, 8, Article 689.  doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00689
Höller, Y., Uhl, A., Bathke, A., Thomschewski, A., Butz, K., Nardone, R., Fell, J., & Trinka, E. (2017). Reliability of EEG measures of interaction: A paradigm shift is needed to fight the reproducibility crisis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, Article 441. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00441
Thomschewski, A., Höller, Y., Höller, P., Leis, S., & Trinka, E. (2017). High amplitude EEG motor potential during repetitive foot movement: Possible use and challenges for futuristic BCIs that restore mobility after spinal cord injury. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, Article 362. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00362


Höfler, J., Rohracher, A., Kalss, G., Zimmermann, G., Dobesberger, J., Pilz, G., Leitinger, M., Kuchukhidze, G., Butz, K., Taylor, A., Novak, H., & Trinka, E. (2016) (S)-Ketamine in refractory and super-refractory status epilepticus: A retrospective study. CNS Drugs, 30 (9), 869-876. doi: 10.1007/s40263-016-0371-2
Nardone, R., Taylor, A. C., Höller, Y., Brigo, F., Lochner, P., & Trinka, E. (2016). Minimal hepatic encephalopathy: A review. Neuroscience Research, 111, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2016.04.009
Nardone, R., De Blasi, P., Höller, Y., Taylor, A. C., Brigo, F., & Trinka, E. (2016). Effects of theta burst stimulation on referred phantom sensations in patients with spinal cord injury. Neuroreport, 27( 4), 209-212. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000508
Rohracher, A., Kalss, G., Leitinger, M., Granbichler, C., Deak, I., Dobesberger, J., Kuchukhidze, G., Thomschewski, A., Höfler, J., & Trinka, E. (2016). Two-year real-world experience with perampanel in patients with refractory focal epilepsy: Austrian data. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders, 9 (6), 445-453.
Rohracher, A., Reiter, D. P., Brigo, F., Kalss, G., Thomschewski, A., Novak, H., Zerbs, A., Dobesberger, J., Akhundova, A., Höfler, J., Kuchukhidze, G., Leitinger, M., & Trinka. E. (2016). Status epilepticus in the elderly-A retrospective study on 120 patients. Epilepsy Research, 127, 317-323. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2016.08.016.
Coito, A., Genetti, M, Pittau, F., Iannotti, G. R., Thomschewski, A., Höller, Y., Trinka, E., Wiest. R., Seeck, M., Michel, C. M., Plomp, G., & Vulliemoz, S. (2016). Altered directed functional connectivity in temporal lobe epilepsy in the absence of interictal spikes: A high density EEG study. Epilepsia, 57, 402-411. doi: 10.1111/epi.13308


Höller, Y., Kutil, R., Klaffenböck, L., Thomschewski, A., Höller, P. M., Bathke, A. C., Jacobs, J., Taylor, A. C., Nardone, R., & Trinka, E. (2015). High-frequency oscillations in epilepsy and surgical outcome. A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, Article 574. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00574
Nardone, R., Höller, Y., Taylor, A. C., Lochner, P., Tezzon, F., Golaszewski, S., Brigo, F., & Trinka, E. (2015). Canine degenerative myelopathy: a model of human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Zoology (Jena), 119 (1), 64-73. doi: 10.1016/j.zool.2015.09.003
Nardone, R., Höller, Y., Taylor, A., Thomschewski, A., Orioli, A., Frey, V., Trinka, E., & Brigo, F. (2015). Noninvasive spinal cord stimulation: Technical aspects and therapeutic applications. Neuromodulation. 18 (7), 580-591; discussion 590-1. doi: 10.1111/ner.12332

Representative faculty publications – E. Trinka

Trinka, E., Ben-Menachem, E., Kowacs, P. A., Elger, C., Keller, B., Löffler, K., Rocha, J. F., & Soares-da-Silva, P. (2018). Efficacy and safety of eslicarbazepine acetate versus controlled-release carbamazepine monotherapy in newly diagnosed epilepsy: A phase III double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, multicenter study. Epilepsia. 2018, Jan 25. doi: 10.1111/epi.13993. [Epub ahead of print]
Höller, Y., Uhl, A., Bathke, A., Thomschewski, A., Butz, K., Nardone, R., Fell, J., & Trinka, E. (2017). Reliability of EEG measures of interaction: A paradigm shift is needed to fight the reproducibility crisis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, Article 441. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00441
Trinka, E., Brigo, F., & Shorvon, S. (2016). Recent advances in status epilepticus. Current Opinion in Neurology, 29 (2), 189-98. doi: 10.1097/WCO.0000000000000307
Höller, Y., Kutil, R., Klaffenböck, L., Thomschewski, A., Höller, P. M., Bathke, A. C., Jacobs,,J., Taylor, A. C., Nardone, R., & Trinka, E. (2015).  High-frequency oscillations in epilepsy and surgical outcome. A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, Article 574. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00574
Trinka, E., Cock, H., Hesdorffer, D., Rossetti, A. O., Scheffer, I. E., Shinnar, S., Shorvon, S., & Lowenstein, D. H. (2015). A definition and classification of status epilepticus—Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification of Status Epilepticus. Epilepsia, 56 (10), 1515-1523. doi: 10.1111/epi.13121

Weisz / Hauswald

Representative faculty publications – N. Weisz

Weisz, N., Wühle, A., Monittola, G. , Demarchi, G., Frey, J., Popov, T. , Braun, C. (2014). Prestimulus oscillatory power and connectivity patterns predispose conscious somatosensory perception. PNAS USA, 111, E417-E425.
Weisz, N., Müller, N., Jatzev, S., & Bertrand, O. (2014). Oscillatory alpha modulations in right auditory regions reflect the validity of acoustic cues in an auditory spatial attention task.Cerebral Cortex, 24(10), 2579-2590.
Frey, J., Mainy, N., Lachaux, J.P., Müller, N., Bertrand, O., & Weisz, N. (2014). Selective modulation of auditory cortical alpha activity in an audiovisual spatial attention task. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(19), 6634-6639.
Leske, S., Ruhnau, P., Frey, J., Lithari, C., Müller, N., Hartmann, T., & Weisz, N. (2015). Prestimulus network integration of auditory cortex predisposes near-threshold perception independently of local excitability. Cerebral Cortex, 25 (12), 4898-4907.
Weisz, N. & Lithari, C. (2017). Amplitude modulation rate dependent topographic organization of the auditory steady-state response in human auditory cortex. Hearing Research, 354, 102-108.

Wilhelm / Blechert

in press & accepted

Rattel, J.A., Grünberger, L.M., Reichenberger, J., Liedlgruber, M., Miedl, S.F., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F.H. (accepted pending revision). Frequency of intrusions and appraisal of related distress after analogue trauma: a comparative ecological momentary assessment methods study. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Reichenberger, J., Wiggert, N., Agroskin, D., Wilhelm, F.H., & Blechert, J. (in press). No praise, please: Depressive symptoms, reactivity to positive social interaction, and fear of positive evaluation. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Wiggert, N.Wilhelm, F.H., Nakajima, M., & al’Absi, M. (in press).Chronic Smoking, Trait Anxiety, and the Physiological Response to Stress. Substance Use and Misuse.
Wiggert, N., Wilhelm, F.H., Boger, S., Georgii, C., Klimesch, W., & Blechert, J. (in press). Social Pavlovian conditioning: short and long-term effects and the role of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.


Wilhelm, F. H., Rattel, J. A., Liedlgruber, M., Schweighofer, S., Wegerer, M., Kreibig, S. D., …, Blechert, J. (2017). Attend or defend? Sex differences in behavioral, autonomic, and respiratory response patterns to emotion–eliciting films. Biological Psychology, 130, 30-40.
Rattel, J. A., Miedl, S. F., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F. H. (2017). Higher threat avoidance costs reduce avoidance behaviour which in turn promotes fear extinction in humans. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 96, 37-46.


Blechert, J., Testa, G., Georgii, C., Klimesch, W., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2016). The Pavlovian craver: Neural and experiential correlates of single trial naturalistic food conditioning in humans. Physiology & Behavior, 158, 18-25.
Miedl, S.F., Blechert, J., Klackl, J., Wiggert, N., Reichenberger, J., Derntl, B., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2016). Criticism hurts everybody, praise only some: Common and specific neural responses to approving and  disapproving social-evaluative videos. NeuroImage, 132, 138-147.
Werner, G.G., Ford, B.Q., Mauss, I.B., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2016). Cardiac vagal control and depressive symptoms: the moderating role of sleep quality. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 5, 1-15.


Reichenberger, J., Wiggert, N., Wilhelm, F.H., Weeks, J., & Blechert, J. (2015). Don’t Put Me Down But Don’t be too Nice To Me Either: Fear of Positive vs. Negative Evaluation And Responses to Social-Evaluative Films. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 46, 164-169.
Werner, G. G., Ford, B. Q., Mauss, I. B., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F. H. (2015). High cardiac vagal control is related to better subjective and objective sleep quality. Biological Psychology, 106, 79-85.   doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.02.004
Werner, G.G., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., Kolodyazhniy, V. & Wilhelm, F. H. (2015). Pre- to postsleep change in psychophysiological reactivity to emotional films: Late-night REM sleep is associated with attenuated emotional processing. Psychophysiology, 52(6), 813-825.   doi: 10.1111/psyp.12404
Wiggert, N., Wilhelm, F.H., Derntl, B., & Blechert., J.(2015). Gender differences in experiential and facial reactivity to approval and disapproval during emotional social interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, 6: 1372.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01372.
Wiggert, N., Wilhelm, F.H., Reichenberger, J., & Blechert., J.(2015). Exposure to social-evaluative video clips: Neural, facial-muscular, and experiential responses and the role of social anxiety. Biological Psychology, 110, 59-67.doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.07.008.


van Meurs, B., Wiggert, N., Wicker, I., & Lissek, S.(2014). Maladaptive Behavioral Consequences of Conditioned Fear-Generalization: A Pronounced, Yet Sparsely Studied, Feature of Anxiety Pathology. Behavior Research and Therapy. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2014.03.009. Impact factor: 2.911
Wegerer, M., Kerschbaum, H., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F. H. (2014). Low levels of estradiol are associated with elevated conditioned responding during fear extinction and intrusive memories in daily life. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 116, 145-154.


Wegerer M., Blechert J., Kerschbaum H. & Wilhelm F. H. (2013). Relationship between fear conditionability and aversive memories: evidence from a novel conditioned-intrusion paradigm. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e79025. IF: 3.73
Wegerer M., Blechert J. & Wilhelm, F. H. (2013). Emotionales Lernen: Ein naturalistisches experimentelles Paradigma zur Untersuchung von Angsterwerb und Extinktion mittels aversiver Filme. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 61(2), 93-103. IF: 1.99
Wegerer, M., Adena, S., Pfennig, A., Czamara, D., Sailer, U., Bettecken, T., Müller-Myhsok, B., Modell, S., & Ising, M. (2013). Variants within the GABA transaminase gene region are associated with somatosensory evoked EEG potentials in families at high risk for affective disorders. Psychological Medicine, 43(6), 1207-1217. 1-11. IF: 5.59

Representative faculty publications – J. Blechert

Blechert, J., Testa, G., Georgii, C., Klimesch, W., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2016). The Pavlovian craver: Neural and experiential correlates of single trial naturalistic food conditioning in humans. Physiology & Behavior, 158,18-25.
Blechert, J., Goltsche, J.E., Herbert, B.M., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2014). Eat your troubles away: Electrocortical and experiential correlates of food image processing are related to emotional eating style and emotional state. Biological Psychology, 96, 94-101. IF 4.3.
Blechert, J., Sheppes, G., Di Tella, C., Williams, H., & Gross, J.J. (2012). See what you think: Reappraisal modulates behavioral and neural responses to social stimuli. Psychological Science, 23(4), 346-353.

Representative faculty publications – F.H. Wilhelm

Miedl, S.F., Blechert, J., Klackl, J., Wiggert, N., Reichenberger, J., Derntl, B., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2016). Criticism hurts everybody, praise only some: Common and specific neural responses to approving and disapproving social-evaluative videos. NeuroImage, 132, 138-147.
Wurtz, H., El-Khoury-Malhame, M., Wilhelm, F.H., Michael, T., Beetz, E.M., Roques, J., Reynaud, E., Julien, C., Khalfa, S., & Herry, C. (2015). Preventing long-lasting fear recovery using bilateral alternating sensory stimulation: a translational study. Neuroscience, 321, 222-235.
De Quervain, D., Bentz, D., Michael, T., Bolt, O., Wiederhold, B., Margraf, J., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2011). Glucocorticoids enhance extinction-based psychotherapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(16), 6621-6625.