The Botanical Garden Salzburg is situated next to the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Salzburg.
Getting here by public transportation:
- free but limited parking space is available along the Michael-Parcher-Strasse, up to three hours. We suggest getting here by public transportation.
- from Salzburg Central station by BUS 3 to Josefiau (direction Salzburg SÜD), switch to LINE 22, exit the bus at Bocksbergerstrasse.
- from Salzburg Central station by BUS 3 to Faistauergasse (direction Salzburg SÜD), then by foot (5 minutes walk) Faistauergasse, Mascagnigasse, Michael-Pacher Strasse
Contact us:
- Head of Botanical Garden: Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Dötterl
- Scientific Curator: Dr. Stephanie Socher – stephanie.socher (at) , Tel: +43-662-8044-5533
- Technical Management: Elisabeth Egger – elisabeth.egger (at) ,Tel: +43-662-8044-5506
University of Salzburg
Botanical Garden
Department of Biosciences
Hellbrunnerstrasse 34
5020 Salzburg