Vortrag: Magic Bowls and Syriac Amulets
Vortrag von Gaby Abou Samra (Universität Würzburg)
Mittwoch, 22. Jänner 2025 | 18:00 Uhr | Abgusssammlung des Fachbereichs Altertumswissenschaften (SR E.33) | Residenzplatz 1 | Salzburg (Zugang vom Hof der Alten Residenz) | EINLADUNG
In this talk two types of magical texts will be presented.The first part concerns texts on Magical bowls in different Aramaic dialects: Jewish Aramaic, Syriac and Mandaic from Mesopotamia during the Sassanian period (5−7 century AD).The second part concerns Syriac Christian texts on scroll amulets from north Mesopotamia and Urmia during the 18−20 century. Is there any continuity between the two traditions?