
Update: Cyberattack at PLUS | 05th of April

Meeting | 05th of April, 12.30 PM

Rector Hendrik Lehnert and Herbert Lohninger (Head of IT Services) informed online about the current status of our IT-challenges within the PLUS.

Change passwords

After extensive analyses by external IT forensic experts and further security measures implemented over the weekend by our IT Services, we ask all PLUS users to change their passwords immediately in our password portal This also applies to passwords that have already been changed.

Attention: If you are working on a university Apple device (Mac), the password must be changed directly on the device under the system settings.

You can find more information on this  HERE

We will inform you about future steps here as soon as possible. IT Services is currently working flat out to give all staff access to their e-mails again. Thank you for your patience.

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Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | IT Services

Tel: +43 662 8044 2222

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