
The PLUS is more international than ever

130 nations study at the PLUS

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) has seen a significant increase in international students in recent years.

In the 2022/23 academic year, around 64% of students came from Austria, 26% from Europe and 11% from the rest of the world. The average proportion of international students at Austrian higher education institutions is already high at around 25-27%, but at the PLUS it is more than 36% of the student body.

Figures show that Salzburg is one of the most attractive locations for international students in Austria. The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg is particularly successful in integrating these students into university life.

Stefan Lang, Vice Rector for International Affairs and Digitalisation at PLUS, emphasises that the PLUS is very well positioned internationally compared to many other regional higher education institutions: ‘We aspire to be a globally attractive, European university. Many of the degree programmes in Salzburg are offered in English, especially at Master’s level: 14 of the 40 Master’s degree programmes are taught exclusively in English, and this number is set to rise.’

For Peter Mayr, Director of the International Relations Department at the PLUS, international students enrich the academic landscape with new perspectives, cultures and experiences. They promote intercultural exchange, which is so valuable for Austria. ‘Our international students are an important factor in the development of Salzburg as a centre of higher education and innovation. Many of these young people stay in Salzburg and are hugely prized by the Salzburg economy as the skilled workers of the future.’

Through it’s work with alumni, the PLUS takes strong initiatives to stay in contact with international students who return to their country of origin after their studies. For Peter Mayr, they are ‘the ambassadors for Salzburg as a place to study and the best advertisement a university could wish for on the international stage’.

Peter Mayr, M.A. | Director, International Relations Department
Sigmund Haffner-Gasse 18, 2nd floor | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Internationale Studierende an der PLUS

Mag. Susanna Graggaber

Deputy director | Press | Events

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Department of Communication and Fundraising

Kaigasse 4-6 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 2027

Email to Mag. Susanna Graggaber

Photo: International students at the PLUS | © Elona Memisha-Schnappinger