
Teaching in January 2022

Covid developments and next steps for studying at the PLUS from 10 January: a message from the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Martin Weichbold, and the chairing team of the Students’ Union, Laura Reppmann, Lara Simonitsch and Manuel Gruber.


Dear students, teachers and staff

We hope that you have had a good start to the new year and wish you all the best for 2022! Next Monday, 10th January, courses at our university will start up again after the winter break. As announced, courses and exams can be attended in person, but in light of the extremely steep rise in incidence rates, we strongly recommend that you continue to work and study online as much as possible. 

The following applies to courses held in person:

  • Students are not obliged to attend, so those who cannot or do not wish to attend in person should be allowed to participate online or complete alternative tasks for credit.
  • You may only enter university buildings if you have a valid 2.5G certificate (valid vaccination or recovery certificate or valid negative PCR test certificate; antigen tests or antibody tests will definitely not be accepted). Remember that a previous infection or vaccination will only protect you for a certain period of time. Please make sure to get a  booster vaccination in time.
  • The current hygiene measures are to be followed in all university buildings. This includes, in particular, observing social distancing and wearing FFP2 masks, even during lectures.
  • NEW: Lecturers are now also required to wear an FFP2 mask
  • Use the disinfectant dispensers provided and ventilate rooms regularly.

Courses already held in attendance under 2G conditions during the lockdown can be continued in the same format.

We also recommend to hold examinations online. If this is not possible, students who cannot or do not want to take part in examinations held in person at this time must be offered an alternative examination date later in the semester (which cannot be determined at this time). The libraries (including reading areas) will remain open with the 2.5G rule, mandatory facemasks and spacing rules in place; please refer to the UB website for opening hours.

New application for admission checks

The Greenlight app is now being used at the PLUS to check the 2.5G status of students more quickly and effectively. Students can use the app to generate a forgery-proof ticket on their mobile device (e.g. smartphone or tablet) that uses both their name and photo from PLUSonline (or their student ID) and the QR code of their vaccination or test certificate; information and detailed instructions can be found on the intranet: Please use this app when you come to the PLUS! Access using the Green Pass or a valid vaccination or test certificate in paper form is still possible together with a photo ID.

We wish you all the best for the remaining winter semester, every success and above all: look after yourselves!

Martin Weichbold, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, on behalf of the entire Rectorate

Laura Reppmann, Lara Simonitsch and Manuel Gruber, Chairing team at the Students’ Union (ÖH)



Image: © University of Salzburg. PLUS