
Study support for female master’s students with children

The Association of Women Academics in Austria (VAÖ), Salzburg Provincial Group will grant three scholarships of €500 as a one-time payment to female master’s students with children.

Application criteria

The applicant

  • is enrolled in a Master’s programme at a public university in Salzburg in the winter semester 2021/22.
  • has one or more children of their own to look after (up to the child’s 7th birthday).
  • has positively completed at least 16 ECTS in the last academic year (also in the Bachelor’s programme if she is currently in the first Master’s semester).
  • does not receive any other grants or funding (e.g. grant from the Stipendienstelle (scholarship office), BAföG).


The complete applications must be sent by post to the following address:

  • Elba Frank
  • ÖH Beratungszentrum c/o Unipark Nonntal
  • Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1
  • 5020 Salzburg

Or via e-mail to

Application deadline

Applications must be submitted by 28 February 2022 at the latest (postmark date).

Application form

and further information can be found here: Studienunterstützung für Master-Studentinnen mit Kind WS 2021/22 (in German).

Happy mother

Elba Frank

Advice & Support Centre of the Austrian Students' Union c/o Unipark Nonntal

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 | A-5020 Salzburg

Email to Elba Frank

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