
„Studium PLUS Zukunft“ | What should studying at PLUS look like in the future?

What should studying at PLUS look like in the future? Which forms of teaching and learning do we want to retain and where and how do we want to use them? What do we need for this? Are there perhaps some completely different innovative formats? What are the consequences? These decisions are long-term; they must be based on a broad consensus and therefore need to be discussed just as broadly in advance. Martin Weichbold, Vice Rectorate of “Academic Affairs”, therefore invites everyone to participate in the open innovation process Studium PLUS Zukunft, to contribute proposals, to comment on the proposals of others and to develop them further, and thus to help decide on the future of studying at our university.

Here’s how it works:

Register on the platform This non-commercial platform was developed by a consortium with the participation of PLUS and the province of Salzburg. Data protection is of course guaranteed.

Get involved! You can upload your own ideas and concepts on the platform, like, comment and improve those of others or simply just read along. Unconventional suggestions and creative ideas are particularly welcome. In total, a period of two months, until the 18th December is planned for this discussion.

The best ideas and concepts will receive prizes awarded by a high-ranking external jury and you can win valuable prizes, including an Apple iPad AIR or a voucher from Stadtrad. The most active participants* in the discussion will also receive awards.

The creation of the framework conditions for implementation will then be in the hands of the university committees, in particular the Senate and Rectorate – here, too, there will be ongoing information and the greatest possible transparency. 

All further information can be found on the platform. 

Take the opportunity and help shape the future of our university!

Concentrated students in lecture hall working on their futuristi

Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Martin Weichbold

University of Salzburg

Tel: +43 662/ 8044 - 2420

Email to Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Martin Weichbold

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