
SPIRALING DESIRE: Feminist Approaches to Oral History and unconventional Narrative Style

Oral history narratives exhibit a variety of narrative styles, which emerge from the gender and sexual politics of the interview situation. Feminist oral historians suggest these politics provide a foundation for recognizing and affirming unconventional narrative styles that emerge from embodied perspectives based on a personal movement signature. A case study of lesbian aerial dancer and choreographer Terry Sendgraff illustrates these points. Sendgraff is the founder of the aerialist dance movement, now internationalin scope. As a trained gymnast and Gestalt therapist, Sendgraff created body training titled „Motivity“ using three-dimensional floor-based movement; this training then expanded to movements on single- and double-point trapeze to expand that three-dimensionality fully into free space, thus generating an unusual movement signature that no longer relies on gravity-bound linearity.

Dancer and choreographer Jeff Friedman is a certified movement analyst and earned his Ph.D. in dance historyand theory at the University of California-Riverside in 2003. He is also the founder and senior editor of Legacy OralHistory Program at the San Francisco Museum of Performance & Design (1988-2013). Friedman is Associate Professorin the Dance Department, Mason Gross School of the Arts, at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Eine Kooperation von gendup,Zentrum für Gender Studies und Frauernföderung und dem Fachbereich für Kunst, Musik und Tanzwissenschaft.

gendup.Zentrum für Gender Studies und Frauenförderung.

Kaigasse 17, 5020 Salzburg

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