
Selected Publications

Dragut, L., T. Schauppenlehner, A. Muhar, J. Strobl & T. Blaschke (2009): Optimization of scale and parametrization for terrain segmentation: An application to soil-landscape modeling. In: Computers & Geosciences (article in press, accepted manuscript).

Hölbling, D., Füreder, P., Tiede, D. & S. Lang (2009): Steigerung des Informationsgehaltes einer LULC Klassifikation durch hierarchische Datenintegration. In: Strobl, J., T. Blaschke & G. Griesebner (eds.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2009. Wichmann, Heidelberg, 14-19.


Tiede, K., Boxall, A. B. A., Tiede, D., Tear, S. P., David, H. & Lewis, J. (2009): A robust size-characterisation methodology for studying nanoparticle behaviour in ´real´ environmental samples, using hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICP-MS. In: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (24), 964 – 972.

Albrecht, F. (2008): Assessing the spatial accuracy of object-based image classifications. In: Car, A., G. Griesebner & J. Strobl (eds.): Geospatial Crossroads @ GI_Forum ?08. Proceedings of the Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg. Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 11-20.

Blaschke, T., S. Lang & G. Hay (2008): Object-Based Image Analysis – Spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications. New York: Springer, 818 pages.

Dragut, L. & T. Blaschke (2008): Terrain segmentation and classification using SRTM data. In: Zhou, Q., B. Lees & G.A. Tang (eds.): Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis. Series Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 141- 158.

Hofmann, P., J. Strobl, T. Blaschke & H. Kux (2008): Detecting informal settlements from QuickBird data in Rio de Janeiro using an object-based approach. In: Blaschke, T., S. Lang & G. Hay (eds.): Object-Based Image Analysis – Spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications. New York: Springer, 531-553.

Lang, S. (2008): Object-based image analysis for remote sensing applications: modeling reality – dealing with complexity. In:  Blaschke, T., S. Lang & G. Hay (eds.): Object-Based Image Analysis – Spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications. New York: Springer, 3-28.

Lang, S., E. Schöpfer & T. Langanke (2008): Combined object-based classification and manual interpretation ? Synergies for a quantitative assessment of parcels and biotopes. Geocarto International, 23 (4), 1-16.

Lang, S., P. Zeil, S. Kienberger & D. Tiede (2008): Geons – Policy-Relevant Geo-Objects for Monitoring High-Level Indicators. In: Car, A., G. Griesebner & J. Strobl (eds.): Geospatial Crossroads @ GI_Forum ?08. Proceedings of the Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg. Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 180-185.

Schöpfer, E., S. Lang & F. Albrecht (2008): Object-fate analysis: Spatial relationships for the assessment of object transition and correspondence. In: Blaschke, T., S. Lang & G. Hay (eds.): Object-Based Image Analysis – Spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications. New York: Springer, 785-801.

Tiede, D. & S. Lang (2008): Distributed computing for accelerated dwelling extraction in refugee camps using VHSR satellite imagery. In: Car, A., G. Griesebner & J. Strobl (eds.): Geospatial Crossroads @ GI_Forum ?08. Proceedings of the Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg. Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 256-261. 

Tiede, D. & S. Lang (2008): Rapid Dwelling Extraction From VHSR Satellite Imagery In Refugee Camps And Dissemination Of Conditioned Information Via Virtual Globes. In: Ehlers, Behncke, Gerstengarbe, Hillen, Koppers, Stroink & Wächter (eds.): Digital Earth Summit on Geoinformatics 2008: Tools for Global Change Research. Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 100-106.