
Sahayraj Stanley SJ über Corporate Greed and the Dying Indian Agriculture [Kopie]

The Census 2011 shows that there is a large migration of people from rural villages to urban cities in search of work, as the traditional farming collapses.  
Agriculture, the traditional area of work for many millions of poor Indians is becoming a killing field. The National Crime Records Bureau shows that the farm suicides are over a quarter million between 1995 to 2010. The Maharashtra State tops the list of suicides. There are multiple factors contributing to this dismal picture, such as Government apathy, the problem of middlemen, pervasive corruption, callousness of the Indian middle class towards agriculture and the malice of corporate greed. Genetically modified seeds and crops fail to perform wonders but in turn, take the lives of poor people. The overall suicide rate is still alarming. For many poor farmers, farming is no more a profit-making sector. Instead of protecting the small farmers and stabilizing farm growth and focussing on the agri-sector, the Government seems to be interested only in corporate farming, shielding and protecting big corporate houses.  
This presentation analyses the plight of the poor farmers and the contributing factors to their suicide during this roaring era of globalization. It analyses the role of the government and big corporate houses and their nuanced attitude towards agriculture.  
Sahayraj Stanley SJ, Tamil Nadu, Indien. Studium der Philosophie und Theologie, englische Literatur (Indien, Italien). Derzeit promoviert er an der Universität Innsbruck. Seine Interessen sind Studien zur Globalisierung, Wirtschaftsethik und Leadership.
Dieser Vortrag findet in Kooperation des Zentrums Theologie Interkulturell und Studium der Religionen und Südwind im Rahmen der „14. Entwicklungspolitischen Hochschulwoche“ in englischer Sprache statt.
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Ursula Kaserbacher


Zentrum Theologie Interkulturell und Studium der Religionen

Universitätsplatz 1

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