
Publication of the month July (2018)

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes

Ionic stress induces fusion of mitochondria to 3-D networks: An electron tomography study
Philip Steiner, Manja Luckner, Hubert Kerschbaum, Gerhard Wanner, Ursula Lütz-Meindl

3-D visualization by FIB-SEM and TEM tomography shows that mitochondria in the unicellular alga Micrasterias and in the aquatic higher plant Lemna fuse to local networks as consequence of exposure to ionic stress. This occurs by formation of mitochondrial protuberances or by contact of the surface of elongated mitochondria. As our results show that respiration is maintained during ionic stress and structural alterations are reversible, we assume that mitochondrial fusion is a ubiquitous process, supporting the cells during stress by maintaining respiration.

The open access article can be found  here.

Reviewed by Angela Risch