
Publication of the Month February (2013)

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes

Transcutaneous delivery of CpG-adjuvanted allergen via laser-generated micropores
Michael Hessenberger, Richard Weiss, Esther E. Weinberger, Christof Boehler, Josef Thalhamer, Sandra Scheiblhofer

Specific immunotherapy via the skin has the potential to overcome some of the disadvantages of conventional allergy therapy performed by subcutaneous injections. However, there is evidence that application of antigen to barrier-disrupted skin induces T helper 2-biased immune reactions. With regards to allergen-specific immunotherapy with barely characterized extracts this could theoretically lead to new sensitizations. We could demonstrate that adjuvantation of allergen with CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides delivered via skin micropores avoids this risk by inducing T helper 1 dominated immune responses.

The open access article can be found  here.

Reviewed by Johann Brandstetter