
PLUS Talk about CIVIS on 16 December for PLUS staff

Dear colleagues,

As you already know, the PLUS has joined the CIVIS European University Alliance after a unanimous decision by the Board of Rectors. The aim of this European university initiative, which is part of the Erasmus+ programme and was launched in 2017 on the initiative of French President Macron, is to promote bottom-up university networks across the entire European Higher Education Area in order to intensify co-operation and strengthen the international competitiveness of European universities, among other things.

The CIVIS consortium, established with the first call 2019, stands above all for assuming social responsibility and is dedicated to global community challenges. In doing so, CIVIS sees itself as a space for innovative and responsibility-oriented teaching, research, cultural exchange and social engagement. At the same time, the universities participating in CIVIS also maintain strong links to their local social, cultural and geographical surroundings. Thematically, CIVIS is dedicated to five jointly defined priority areas:

  • Health
  • Cities, territories, mobilities
  • Digital and technological transformations
  • Climate, environment, energy
  • Society, culture, heritage

As a newly admitted member of the Alliance, the PLUS will now actively participate in the preparation of the follow-up application for the coming funding period and it is important to us – before we ask for your interest in participating – to present the goals and contents of CIVIS to the entire university. Therefore, I am particularly pleased to be able to invite all PLUS staff to our PLUS Talk on CIVIS on 16.12.2021, 9-10:30 a.m. Dean Knoll, scientific project coordinator, and I will introduce you to CIVIS and answer any questions you may have about the PLUS’s participation, as well as future plans.

For some background information on CIVIS, please follow these links:

 Link to the CIVIS website

 Link to the CIVIS introduction video

 Press release: CIVIS welcomes 10th member University: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

We look forward to your participation and a lively and constructive discussion on the involvement of the PLUS in this important project.

Best regards,

Rector Hendrik Lehnert
on behalf of the PLUS-CIVIS Steering Committee


Dr. Kerstin Fuchsberger

Assistant of the Rectorate of the PLUS

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

Kapitelgasse 4-6 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 2002

Email to Dr. Kerstin Fuchsberger

Image: © CIVIS