
PLUS Language Meetup

This academic year, we, the Language Center, introduced a new series of events at PLUS with the Language Meetup The Language Meetup is aimed at anyone interested in expanding their language skills, discovering new languages and exchanging ideas with people from different linguistic/cultural backgrounds. The aim is to encourage multilingual exchange.

To this end, events are organized in cooperation with other organizations at various locations in Salzburg. Four meetings have taken place so far:

  • November 2023: My Place(s) (Unipark Nonntal)
  • February 2024: My Languages (City:Library)
  • May 2024: Celebrating Festivals (Unipark Nonntal)
  • June 2024: Hobbies and Leisure (City:Library)

Every meeting was a total success and gave many language lovers the opportunity to use their language skills, discover new languages and exchange ideas with others in an informal setting.

There will also be new dates in the winter semester 2024/25 and we cordially invite you to join us again and strengthen your transcultural skills.

Information about upcoming meetings, topics etc. can be found on  our website.

How does the Language Meetup work?

The meetings are designed so that both beginners and advanced learners can take part. There are 7-8 language tables per Language Meetup with a moderator. This person is an expert in that language and moderates the conversation. This means, for example, that Japanese is spoken at one table, moderated by an expert in Japanese, English at another table, Arabic at another, etc. It is best to start with a language in which you have  relevant knowledge and exchange ideas with other speakers at this table. This can be a language that you have learned, but it can also be your first language in which you would like to share your own experiences. Participants can help each other or switch between languages, i.e. contribute their entire repertoire. It is by no means obligatory to always stay at one table. At  the Language Meetup, you can move around freely and contribute to several conversations/tables as the mood takes you.

Additional information

Registration: No registration is required for the Language Meetup: just come along and join in.

Costs: The language meeting is free of charge for participants.

Topics: At each Language Meetup, a topic is set around which the discussions revolve.

Dates: Information about upcoming meetings, topics etc. can be found on our website.

Language Meetup | Sprachentreff

Dr. Margareta Strasser


Paris Lodron University Salzburg | Language Centre

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1| A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: 066280444398

Email to Dr. Margareta Strasser

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