Day of Teaching: The Measurement of the Doctrine?
16 June, 2011
09:00 until 20:00. From 09:00 until 15:30: at RW-Fakultät, Churfürststr. 1. From 16:00: Kapitelgasse 6, HS 230 – Qualitätsmanagement – Day of Teaching, 2011 – Measuring the Doctrine?
Workshop “Empirical Economics”
November 2012: The research group in economics at the University of Salzburg jointly with the University of Innsbruck and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) organizes a workshop in ?Empirical Economics?. The program in German can be downloaded here.
New Employee!
October 2011: Jörg Paetzold has been employed in the post graduate program of the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies.