Austrian National Bank supports Research Project
July 2011: The research project wage and employment effects of European mergers and acquisitions conducted by Harald Oberhofer and Hannes Winner will be funded by the “Jubiläumsfond” of the Austrian National Bank (ÖNB).
25. April 2013
Ökumenisches Gebet für den Frieden in Syrien
im Beisein von Erzbischof Dr. Alois Kothgasser SDB
17.00 Uhr, Byzantinisches Gebetszentrum St. Markus
(Franz Josef Kai 21, 5020 Salzburg, ehem. Ursulinenkirche)
Ökumenisches Gebet für Syrien
Ökumene-Gebet für Syrien (Kathpress)
Proceedings ?GIS und Sicherheitsmanagement?
This German language volume on GIS and Security Management will be published in early November. Papers from the July 2005 conference on this topic range across key topics and have been edited to cover this important and timely subject. > Pre-order