
Materialien SpraKuS

Language Centre: materials available online

Within the framework of the SpraKuS project, teaching materials combining linguistic and cultural learning have been developed, on the one hand in the form of a course and on the other hand in the form of individual modules. The target group is adult or adolescent learners of German as a second language. These materials can now be downloaded online.

Published on 27 October 2022
Kapitelgasse 5 | Residenzplatz 9


The Department of Business Management (BWL) is a central component of social science research and teaching at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg. The Department’s research is nationally and internationally visible and aims to create new knowledge relevant to practice at the highest level. The Department’s teaching is characterised by specialist knowledge that enables students to recognise and solve problem areas in the context of business practice.

Published on 27 October 2022
DAS Fakultät

PLUS: International expertise to shape the DAS

The EXDIGIT Advisory Board, chaired by Dr. Emile Aarts, Professor and former Rector at Tilburg University (Netherlands), met for the first time to strategically plan and orient the new Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences at PLUS. The aim of the meeting was to establish an interdisciplinary research and development platform in forward-looking digital topics.

Published on 25 October 2022