Guest Professor Andreas Nehring
Prof. Dr. Andreas Nehring offers courses in the SS 2019 on the subject of “Hinduism” at the Zentrum Theologie Interkulturell und Studium der Religionen.
18 March: Ukraine News: Politics and Church
On 18 March, 2019, under the moderation of Christoph TAKACS (Regional Director of ORF Salzburg), the renowned journalist, Christian WEHRSCHÜTZ (ORF correspondent for the Balkans and the Ukraine) and the Eastern Church expert, Dietmar W. WINKLER (Center for the Study of the Christian East) will analyze political and ecclesiastical situation.
20 March: Invitation to the Book Presentation by Walter Thaler
After his two books about Pinzgau, Walter Thaler has returned to his favorite topic – the Province.
He traces the path of life and suffering of more than 60 personalities who come from the Pongau or who have spent or suffered a significant part of their lives here.