Scientific Consultant for the World Bank
July 2011: Harald Oberhofer has been appointed as scientific consultant by the Worldbank.
17.-19. April 2013
Bei der Pro Oriente Konsultorentagung in Wien berät ein internationales Team von Wissenschaftlern Konzepte und Weichenstellungen für den Dialog mit den Ostkirchen.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dietmar W. Winkler hält hierzu Impulsvorträge zur Arbeit mit den Kirchen syrischer Tradition und den orientalisch-orthodoxen Kirchen auf innoffizieller und offizieller Ebene.
GI-Conference and Faculty Development in Kyrgyzstan
With support from the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Z_GIS is organizing a seminar for faculty from the region themed ?Teaching and Learning GIS, Geoinformatics and GIScience?, followed by the first GIS in Central Asia conference. These events are jointly organized with our partners from the ?Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture? Oct 25-30 in Bishkek, defining an important step towards establishing a regional centre of competence. > Link