
Article presented in “Die Zeit” and “Format”!

August/September 2010: Paper “Evaluating human life using court decisions on damages for pain and suffering” (Leiter, Thöni and Winner) has been presented in weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” and in the austrian economic magazine “Format”.

Die Zeit-Article download
Format-Article download

Published on 17 May 2013

Research Statement

The European Union faces an ongoing decline in biodiversity partly caused by changes in land-use such as the simultaneous phenomena of extensivation and intensification in agriculture. Legally binding directives (FFH directive, bird directive, water directive, etc.) that aim at implementing global conventions on an EU-scale imply regular reporting and scientific success control obligations for all member states.

Published on 17 May 2013

UNIGIS Infotag in Osnabrück

Am Samstag den 23. Februar 2008 veranstaltet das Institut fuer
Geoinformatik und Fernerkundung der Universität Osnabrück einen
Informationstag rund um UNIGIS. Neben interessanten Vorträgen zu GI-
Trends und Informationen rund um die UNIGIS Fernstudiengänge bietet
dieser Tag die Möglichkeit des persönlichen Kontakts zu UNIGIS

Published on 17 May 2013