Courses provided in English language
A list of courses provided in English language at the University of Salzburg is now available…Please note: Changes of courses are possible!
Public Lecture Series
22 June, 2011 – 18:30 to 20:00, Kapitelgasse 4 – 6, HS 230 – Science and Art // Program Area Arts & Humanities – Public Lecture ?Hollywoods Kriege: Die ästhetische Rekonzeptualisierung militärischer Konflikte (Hollywood´s War: The aesthetic reconceptualization of military conflicts)?, with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Bronfen (University of Zurich).
Article in the Neuen Zürcher Zeitung
September 2012: An article published in the ?NZZ? discusses a Working Paper by Matthias Stöckl and Hannes Winner that empirically analyzes the impact of corporate taxation on the capital structures of European firms.
Article in German