
Call for Papers: The well-being of children. Theory, Practice and Policy

Gottfried Schweiger and Gunter Graf will convene a Workshop on “The Well-being of Children” as part of the MANCEPT Conference, to be held at the University of Manchester from 4-6 September 2013. Applications are welcome until 15 May.

Published on 03 September 2013

Gastvortrag [Kopie]

Dr. Andreas Traweger

Title: Tight Junction Proteins and their Role Beyond Cell-Cell Adhesion

Published on 23 August 2013
Universitätsprofessorin Lore Breitenbach-Koller

Personalized Protein Synthesis for Biotechnology and Medicine

Cell biologists of the University of Salzburg and physicians at the Paracelsus Medical Private University of Salzburg have developed a new method for the targeted control of cellular protein production, the so-called “personalized protein synthesis”, resulting in possible applications for both biotechnology and medicine.

Published on 20 August 2013