

26 – 27 March: International Perspectives on School Quality and Teacher Education

“We have really changed lives!”: An international scientific conference at the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg (26.-27.03.2019) and a research project on school quality development and teacher education, in which scientists from the University of Oxford and the University of Salzburg cooperate.

Published on 08 April 2019
Stefan Kienberger

28 March: Climate Change in Austria – Future Scenarios and Risks

Lecture by Stefan Kienberger, ZGIS Salzburg, in the lecture series “Global Challenges – Answers to Climate Change”, on Thursday, 28 March at 17:00 in Hörsaal Anna Bahr-Mildenburg, UniPark Salzburg.

Published on 08 April 2019
Dr. Wolfgang Eder

26 March: Invitation to the VIP Alumni Talk

Tuesday, 26 March, 19:00 in the SN Saal, Karolingerstraße 40, Salzburg: VIP Alumni Talk.

An important graduate of our university is a guest at the 3rd “Alumni Talk”: Dr. Wolfgang Eder, CEO voestalpine AG, talks to Editor-in-Chief Manfred Perterer (Salzburger Nachrichten) about his career. Afterwards the Alumni Club invites attendees for a glass of wine.

Published on 08 April 2019