

Kick-off Workshop at the Edmundsburg

17 November 2022 | in presence: With a large-scale event the Sparkling-Science-Project “MAJA” (Mathematical Algorithms Analysed for Everyone) of the mathematics department will be presented in the Conference Room of the imposing Edmundsburg.

Published on 14 November 2022
Nicole Vorderobermeier

“Award of Excellence” of the BMBWF will be received by an alumni of the mathematics department

Nicole Vorderobermeier will be honored with the “Award of Excellence” for the year 2022 of the federal ministry of education, science and research. Only the top 40 doctoral theses nationwide in Austria are awarded with this price. We send our congratulations to Ms. Vorderobermeier for this outstanding achievement!

Published on 11 November 2022

Quantitative easing and inequality

The relation between quantitative easing in monetary policy and inequality in a society is discussed by Anna Stelzer (PLUS) in the “Der ökonomische Blick” of the newspaper Die Presse.

Published on 07 November 2022