
Das austrofaschistische Herrschaftssystem Österreichs

Guest Lecture and Book Presentation with Emmerich Tálos: “The Austro-fascist System of Government Austria 1933-1938”

Date: Wednesday, 23 October, 2013
Time: 19:00
Venue: Social Sciences, Rudolfskai 42, HS 389

Published on 21 October 2013

Current Publications of the Department

August and September 2013

Published on 16 October 2013
Bild Benjamin Hoy

Dr. Benjamin Hoy received the 2013 Dissertation Award of the DGHM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie)

Dr. Hoy received the award for his PhD thesis on the discovery of novel functions of the serine protease HtrA. HtrA is secreted by the human pathogen and class I carcinogen Helicobacter pylori that directly targets the cell adhesion protein and tumor suppressor E-cadherin on gastric epithelial cells.

Published on 15 October 2013