
Information Event: Paving Your Way to a CD Laboratory

(11 Oct. 2012) An information event about Christian Doppler Laboratory will be held on 12th of December at the University of Salzburg, 13:00-15:00.

Published on 27 February 2014

ERC ? Applicants Workshop

(10 Oct. 2012) An ERC Applicants Workshop will be held on 4th December at the University of Salzburg, 14:00 ? 17:00. The workshop shall help scientists of the university with the preparation and discussion of their applications for the European Research Council (ERC).

Published on 27 February 2014

Remuneration for Publication

(26 August, 2009) If you have published a copyrighted work (i.e. an essay, an article, a book), you can assert a claim for remuneration to the collecting company Literar-Mechana. This claim for remuneration is due to the fact, that Literar-Mechana charges a fee for the use of copyrighted works and forwards this fee to the authors.

Published on 27 February 2014