

13 December / 10 January: Film Series of Eastern European Movies of the Department of Slavonic Studies

As part of the film series “Filmclub Horizonte” at the Salzburger Filmkulturzentrum “Das Kino”, Giselakai 11, in Salzburg on 13.12.18 and 10.1.19 the two films “Leto” and “Breaking the Limits”.

Published on 22 January 2019

Media Literacy Award for Fachdidaktikerin the University of Salzburg

From 17-19 October, 2018, the Media Literacy Awards (MLA) once again were awarded. Every year, the Federal Ministry awards the most innovative media educational projects to European schools. This time the award in the category “Multimedia” went to the project “Speak OUT”, translated by Speaking VLog, Mag. Julia Weißenböck, MSc, BA, Fachdidaktikerin for English at the University of Salzburg, together with her 3rd class.

Published on 22 January 2019
Folder der Ringvorlesung

7 January: Lecture Series – Torah and Cross. Politics and Life Worlds. Jewish Identity Formations and Jewish-Christian Boundaries in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

Mon 7.1.2019, 17:15, HS E.001 (Unipark)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christopher Laferl (Salzburg)
Alfonso de Cartagena (1381-1456) and the Defense of the Conversos.

Published on 22 January 2019