
Nano-Training School in Venice

2022-05-15 to 20 · Martin Himly from the Bio-Nano Group co-organizes the traditional Nano-Training School in Venice, IT where >150 attendees, many of them early in their career (PhD students, PostDocs), met in the grand old Auditorio Santa Margherita for an entire week to safety and sustainability issues of nano-sized and advanced materials provided by experts in the field. This included also nanomedical carriers, food ingredients and contact materials, so lots of discussions and interactive training on life cycle aspects in line with the EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability and Green Deal was going on. From the PLUS team (besides Martin Himly also Sabine Hofer and Norbert Hofstätter were involved) sessions were organized into human hazard and exposure assessment & modelling, data FAIRness and risk governance.

Veröffentlicht am 03 Januar 2024

Announcement of DSP Symposium

2022-04-27 · The upcoming DSP Symposium is scheduled for July 4th and 5th, 2022, in the UNIPARK. It will be organized as the last joint symposium between the Doctoral College “Immunity in Cancer and Allergy” and the Doctoral School DSP “Biomolecules”. Please register for the Symposium as soon as possible, giving titles for presentations when applicable. Registration needs to be finished by 24 May 2022. Faculty members please also register, of course you do not need to give details for presentations.

Veröffentlicht am 03 Januar 2024

Announcement of joint ICA-DSPB Symposium

2021-11-22 · The upcoming ICA Symposium is scheduled for 1 to 3 February 2022 (via Webex). It will be organized as a joint symposium between the Doctoral College ICA and the Doctorate School DSP Biomolecules. Please register here for the Symposium as soon as possible, giving titles for presentations when applicable. Registration needs to be finished by 12 December 2021. Faculty members please also register, of course you do not need to give details for presentations.

Veröffentlicht am 03 Januar 2024